
Demolishing a printer in Silwan on the pretext of building without a permission / Occupied Jerusalem

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Early in the morning , Wednesday, 29 August 2018, a number of occupation's police members, border guards and special forces with a bulldozer broke into Silwan , the police members closed the leading roads to Ein Al Lozeh neighborhood, and prevented citizens from entering the area, in order to demolish a printer with a total space of 80 m2 , owned by citizen Omar Sayyam, one of the people of the town , on the pretext of building without permission.

During the demolition process , the occupation forces attacked citizens who tried to stop the demolition, IOF used thunder bombs and rubber bullets against citizens which caused injuries, 3 of them were pregnant women attacked while they were in a nearby clinic. The IOF also detained number of men after assault and battery, some of them were recognized : Ahmad Samreen (46) , Ezz Ed-Deen Samreen (30) and Tariq Rwaidi(23).

Jawad Sayyam (Omar's brother) told LRC observer:

The occupation forces and a bulldozer broke into the town, and removed the door of the printer, they were accompanied by workers who got out some of the properties that were inside the printer, then after besieging the area, they completely demolished the place. IOF assaulted citizens , arrested some of them  and caused some injuries..

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The occupation forces are in an aggressive campaign against Jerusalem's neighborhoods in general and Silwan town in particular, as part of its colonial planes in Judaization of the area and fabricate its history, Where they harm citizens by demolishing their homes and firms, refusing to guarantee building permission under the allegations that the area is not organized, and the expensive costs in case they approve. All this in order to force the locals to leave their homes.

Silwan[1] :

1 kilometer south Jerusalem, Silwan is surrounded by Jerusalem (south) , The green line and The occupied territories (1948) (west), Jerusalem (east), Jabal Mukabbir and Ath Thuri (south)

It has a total area of 1400 dunums, 885 of them are a built up area for the town.

This case study is part of Kan'aan Project

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[1] GIS - LRC