
New Expansion Scheme of Al-Buraq wall square/ Jerusalem

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August 28 -2018, Ha’artz Israeli news paper revealed an Israeli municipal plan to expand Al-Buraq wall square, in order to meet the needs of Jewish worshipers , especially those with special needs, drawing upon new Israeli legal article to expand public buildings to meet the needs of those who suffer from disability,And compliance to some religious groups requests to divide males and females during the prayer . The Jewish name the mentioned wall “Wailing Wall” or “Western Wall”

The news paper mentioned that the Israeli Prime Minister“Natinyahu” is the man behind this scheme in compliance of religious groups’ requests, Even though, the municipality’s legal consultant opposed the project due to the sensitivity of its location.

The scheme includes expanding the wall and dividing it to two parts for males and females, expanding the leading road to the square, and opening especial roads for Disables to facilitate reaching the square.

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Noteworthy, 11-13 June 1967 The occupation forces authorities erased Arab remains around the wall, they completely demolished Ash-Sharaf and the Moroccan quarters and leveled the land to construct a wide square for Jewish worshippers, The process included the demolition of  number of archeological and historical buildings in the area, Back then the Israeli occupation forced residents of the mentioned quarters to evict their homes and facilities , then demolished 125 house, store, facilities and worshipping houses including two mosques (Al Buraq and Al-Afdaleieh mosques), the demolition operations continued for 3 days.

The constringing policy by the Israel occupation authorities of erasing Arabic heritage in Jerusalem can only be regarded as a Judaization scheme of Jerusalem, continuing such assaults is a violation of UNISCO decree of 6 October 2016 which condemns changing the cultural identity of the old city of Jerusalem and its surrounding.