
Opening a colonial road in Wadi Rahhal/ Bethlehem governorate

Violation: confiscating a plot and opening a colonial road.

Location: Wadi Rahhal – Bethlehem governorate.

Date: September 17, 2018.

Perpetrators: colonists of “Efrat”.

Victims: People of “Wadi Rahhal” and “Artas”.


September 17,  “Efrat” settlers broke into Wadi Rahhal village, and fixed a tent over Khallet An-Nahleh hill preparing to take over surrounding lands for colonial plan “The greater Jerusalem”.

The occupation dozers reopened a bypass that connects Efrat to Khallet An-Nahleh hill; the mentioned road was closed and opened many times.

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After a settler was killed in “Gosh Etzion” allegedly by a Palestinian, they opened the road as a collective punishment. The town’s people gathered to expel colonists and protect their land but colonists were protected by the Israeli occupation army.

Hassan Brejeieh , representative of Colonization and Wall Resistance Commission told LRC observer:

“ The Israeli Minister of Agriculture lives in “Efrat” and he is the main provoker for “Efrat” settlers to take over Palestinian agricultural lands”

Noteworthy, settlers are 24 hours present in the area. LRC field observer witnessed an Israeli dozer leveling the land to facilitate settlers’ movement on the expenses of Palestinian agricultural lands.

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dozers leveling the land that lead to Khallet An-Nahleh hill

In terms of the nature of the confiscated lands for the benefit of the new colonial road they are agricultural lands that used to form the main source of income for its owners. In the mean time, Israelis forbid Palestinians from opening any new roads that facilitate their movement in agricultural areas. LRC documented the opening of 29 new colonial roads since the beginning of 2018. In the same time duration, the Israeli occupation authorities issued “Stop-Work” military orders on 10 roads that serve thousands of agricultural dunums, ravaged 3 agricultural roads and confiscated 10 Palestinian machineries were used for land leveling in agricultural areas.

The Israeli government claims such orders to be deterrent for Palestinians who carry out stabbing or killing attacks. Such attacks come in response for colonists’ attacks on Palestinians, the latest of which was represented in torching a family alive, not mentioning running over kids and women, attacks on trees (torching , cutting down, robbing) and lands confiscation.

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