
Illegal settlers grab a Palestinian land in Beit Sakariya village/ Bethlehem governorate

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Violation: grabbing a land and cultivating it.

Location: Al-Awareed – Beit Sakariya village/ Bethlehem governorate.

Date: 28/01/2019.

Perpetrators: Illegal settlers.

Victims: Al-Odeh family.


Al-Odeh family were shocked when a group of settlers cultivated their 10 dunums land, as a first step in grabbing it to expand an outpost that is sub joint to “Alon Shevut” in Al-Awareed area.

 Mohammad Atallah , Mayor of Beit Sakariya told LRC reporter:

“Al-Awareed area lies over a hill in Beit Sakariya , when illegal settlers raided the land, the families of the town saw them and tried to stop them, then filed a complaint to the Israeli occupation civil administration.”

The new outpost was built after  The Israeli Occupation Authorities issued the master plan number 11/405 to build 68 colonial units on 21 dunums relative to the Hashemite Kingdom Treasury to be a substitute location for Natif Ha'avot outpost. For more information, read this report . in 25 april 2018 , settlers finished the construction of another outpost on Khallet Um Al-Fahem and Beit Sakariya lands , read this report . But settlers are still eager to grab more Palestinian lands.

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 Settlers cultivating a land in Beit Sakariya after grabbing it

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 the land after the colonial activity

About Beit Sakariya hamlet:[1]

Khallet Beit Sakariya (Beit Sakariya hamlet) is located some 5 km east of the 1949 Armistice Line (Green line) and about 8.5 km to the southwest of Bethlehem city. It's considered part of Nahhalin village cluster along with Khallet al Balluta (Al Balluta Hamlet), all comprise a total area of 17249 Dunums. Khallet Beit Sakariya is a home to 142 inhabitants, according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of statistics – 2007 and sets on a total built of 49.5 dunums.

Settlements surrounding the hamlet:

Settlement's name

Establishment year

Total area ,Dunums

Settlers number

Rosh Zurim




Alon Shifot








Kfar Etzion




[1] GIS -LRC

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