
The occupation demolishes 3 houses in Jannatah/ Bethlehem

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Violation: Final demolition order on 3 houses.

Location: An-Najmat – Jannatah  village / Bethlehem  governorate.

Date:17 /03/2019.Perpetrators: The Israeli occupation civil administration.

Victims: families of Foad Shuwaiki and Omar Abu Zuhaira.


In 17 march, a vehicle related to the Israeli occupation civil administration raided Jannatah village , and served final demolition military orders to 3 houses , on the pretext of building before getting proper licenses.

Noteworthy, owners of the three houses previously received stop-work orders on their houses in January 12th 2017, and prepared the legal file hoping to save their homes.

It is important to mention that the targeted houses are built in C area, and close to a colonial outpost built on grabbed lands in Khallet An-Nahleh, The illegal settlers’ intention is to link that outpost with “Efrat” settlement then to “Gosh Etzion” settlement cluster in order to achieve their project “The greater Jerusalem” by connecting west bank settlements to Jerusalem.

The occupation also opened a road close to the grabbed lands in Khallet An-Nahlehe leveling to grab more lands in the area.

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The outpost in Khallet An-Nahleh and the new colonial road

The following table shows more information about the targeted structures:


Family members


Number of threatened houses

Area of the threatened structures

Military order number

Foad Shuwaiki






Omar Abu Zuhaira






Omar Abu Zuhaira






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The military orders

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The threatened houses

About Jannatah:[1]

4.5 kilometer south Bethlahem, Jannatah is surrounded by Khallet Hamad and Hindaza (north) Khallet al Haddad (west), Al-Fraidis and Jubbet adh Dhib (east), and Nokdim and Al Davidn settlements (south).

Jannatah has a total population of 7336 people according to statistics conducted in 2007. It has a total area of 11887 of which 90 dunums are a built-up area of the village.

The Israeli occupation devoured 281 dunums of the lands of the village for two colonies. The first one is "El David – Kfar Eldad which was built in 1999 and confiscated 163 dunums of the village. The second is "Nokdim" which was built in 1982 and devoured 118 dunums. It is inhabited by 646 colonists.

According to Oslo Accords, 10% of Jannatah is under Area A , 28 % is under area B . However, most of the village lands (52 %) is under Area C (Israel maintains full security and administrative control).10 % is a natural reserved area. Here are the area in dunums:

Area A (1233) dunums.

Area B (3312) dunums.

Area C (6212) dunums.

Natural reserve (1130) dunums.

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This document has been produced with the assistance of the European Union

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