
The Israeli occupation threatens to demolish a house in Kisan / Bethlehem governorate

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Violation: threatening to demolish a house.

Location: Kisan village / Bethlehem governorate.

Date: 15/12/2015.

Perpetrator: The Israeli occupation civil administration.

Victims: Citizen Maher Al-‘Ebeyat.


The Israeli occupation army forces and an officer from the civil administration raided Kisan village in 15 December 2015, and served a halt of work order to Maher Al-‘Ebeyat on his house on the pretext of building without licenses.

Maher told LRC reporter:

“Over the years, I have been trying to build a house and form a family , It is one of my basic rights to have an adequate home for my family.

The occupation’s intention is to depopulate the town, this is clearly shown by their support and coverage to settlers in land grabs and carrying out attacks against farmers.”

Al-‘Ebeyat asserted: I did not stop the construction process , and I prepared the legal documents to defend myself in their unjust trial.

Reportedly,  Al-‘Ebeyat received the first military order in 17/09/2019, the family provided the necessary documents that prove they own the land.

The following table shows more information about the property:


Family members


Status of the building

Area m2

Maher Al-‘Ebeyat





Noteworthy, people of Kisan have been struggling to live their lives under occupation , The Israeli authorities are prohibiting them from building a school for their children which is a basic human right , in addition to the fact that the road the children take to reach the closest schools is very dangerous and exposes them to settlers assaults.

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The first military order

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The second military order


Located 18km south of Bethlehem, Kisan village is surrounded by Tuqu' (north), Sa'ir (west), the Dead Sea (east), Arab ar Rashayda/ Sa'ir/ Al Buweib (south). Kisan has a population of 560 people (2017 census). It has a total area of 133,278 dunums- 88,7 of which are built-up area. The Israeli occupation confiscated 2201 dunums of Kisan lands to build the following colonies:

Maale Amos which was built in 1981 and devoured 320dunums of Kisan. It is inhabited by 299 colonists.

Mizpe Shalem which was built in 1971 and confiscated 396 dunums. 193 colonists live in that colony.

Mizpe Shalem B which was built in 1980 and stole 58 dunums.

Ibei Hanachal outpost which confiscated 166 dunums of Kisan.

Israeli Bypass road number 90 devoured more than 1000 dunums.

According to Oslo Accords, 11% of Kisan is considered nature reserve while 40% is under Area B (PA is in charge of civil matters with Israel responsible for security). However, most of the village lands (49%) is under Area C (Israel maintains full security and administrative control). Here are the areas in dunums:

  • Land considered natural preserve (24.480) dunums.
  • Area B (88.5) dunums.
  • Area C (108.455) dunums.


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This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union The content of this document is the sole responsibility of LRC and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union