
Israeli Deals With The land of Palestine as if it was “without a people”

Image titleIsraeli building and organizing commission have discussed the objections on two colonial schemes in Ash-Shaikh Jarah neighborhoods, but surprisingly without calling out the Palestinians who filed the objections against the unjust scheme.

The scheme includes demolishing 2 residential buildings in the neighborhood, containing apartments for 5 Palestinian families, and constructs in their place 13 apartments for illegal colonists.

Despite the objections of the Palestinian families against implementing this scheme, the commission ignored their existence, and refused the objections and recommended the state parties to approve on the plan.

This shows how much the Israeli state ignores the existence of Palestinians, the indigenous people of Palestine, and deals with the land as if it was “A land without a people”.

In 2012, families from Ash-Shaikh Jarah neighborhood who were threatened of losing their homes for a colonial institution, filed an objection to the Israeli court, and a group of Palestinian lawyers provided legal proves that the transfer of ownership in 1972 to the colonial institution was illegal, but the central court refused on claims that the file is outdated.

The case was reviewed in the Israeli supreme court , where Palestinian lawyers proved that the transfer of property in 1972 was illegal.

About Ash-Shaikh Jarah:

Ash-Shaikh Jarah is about 2 km from the old city of Jerusalem, Today Ash-Shaikh Jarah is the home of 70 families. In 1948 , 28 families faced forced eviction from their homes, now the area is inhabited by 550 members in 28 apartment building (36 apartments).