
The occupation confiscates two agricultural barracks in Nahalin/ Bethlehem governorate

Violation: Confiscating two barracks.

Location: Ein Faris – Nahalin village / Bethlehem governorate.

Date: 12/03/2019.

Perpetrator: The Israeli occupation civil administration.

Victims: Mahmoud Shakarna.


The Israeli occupation forces raided Ein Faris in Nahalin , west Bethlehem , and dismantled two barracks belong to Hassan Shakarna, then confiscated their parts, on the pretext of building without licenses.

Noteworthy, Shakarna resides in the barracks with his sheep during herding season, but the occupation shows up out of the bloom whenever a Palestinian uses or benefits from his or her plot.

A while ago, the occupation confiscated barracks belong to Shakarna .However, OCHA organization supported his struggle through providing alternative barracks so he can practice herding , which is his profession and only source of income.

Colonialism spread in Nahalin like cancer, leaving farmers with little to use. Especially, Ein Faris which is a hot spot for Israeli violations and colonial activities , the area was a good building spot for the town’s people, but recently the occupation prohibits any construction, which leads them  to build at the town’s center that now became very crowded .On the other hand, Israeli settlers are expanding freely on Palestinian lands.

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Photo 1: confiscation order


The village is located 10km to the south west of Bethlehem and 3.5 km to the east of the armistice line of 1949.

The village's total area is 18,858 dunums including 890 dunums of built-up area, inhabited by8741 people according to the PBS statistics of 2017.

Israel has confiscated 4,283 dunums from the village lands 3,583 dunums of which for colonial expansion purposes and 700 dunums for the favor of bypass roads. There are 8 colonies founded on the village land, namely (Beit Ein, Tsoref, Majdal Oz, Jabot, Kfar Etzion, Efrat, Illit, Rosen Tsurem and Allon Shevut).

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[1] GIS-LRc