
“The names’ committee” in the occupation’s municipality changes Arab neighborhoods names in Silwan

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Monday 17 June 2019,  The so called “Names’ committee” in the occupation’s Jerusalem municipality decides to change Arab neighborhood names , into names of Rabbis “Jewish clergy men”  , in the context of the organized process of Judaizing Jerusalem.

Naming Jerusalem neighborhoods Hebrew names or ones that have Jewish indications, contradicts with the fact that most of its residents are Arab Palestinians, and the rest are illegal Jewish settlers who took over the houses illegally.

 Simultaneously, Palestinian residents in Batn El-Hawa neighborhood are living under eviction sword, under claims that the neighborhood is a Jewish property, since 2004 the neighborhood witnessed a violent attack lead by colonial institutions and supported by the occupations government, in order to transfer indigenous people and replace them by Jewish settlers.

The names of Rabbis and Jewish Clergy Men will now replace the Arab streets’ names in Jerusalemites’ Identity cards , and in all formal transactions , in order to force Jerusalemites to use and recognize the new names of their streets.

Changing the names that were known for generations,  is a flagrant attack against the culture and history of Jerusalem. This can only be regarded as ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people.