
Issuing halt of work order on a building in Nahalin / Bethlehem

Violation : Halt of work order.

Location : Tour Al-Batiya –  Nahalin town / Bethlehem governorate.

Date: 02/09/2019.

Perpetrator: The Israeli occupation civil administration.

Victims: Ahmad Shakarna.


The Israeli occupation civil administration under the protection of the occupation army raided Nahalin town in September 02, 2019 , and served a notice to Ahmad Shakarna on the pretext of building without licenses.

The notice orders the immediate stoppage of construction works , and that in 24/09/2019, the subcommittee session will be held to decide the fate of the structure.

The owner built a small residence – one room to rest in it during working in his plot, it is also said that the targeted room has a great view.  The Israeli occupation has an eye on Tour Al-Batiya lands , as they consider it a possible expansion area for Gush Etzion settlement cluster.

The following table shows more information about the notice:


Number of family members

Children (under age)

Area m2

About the building

Notice number

Ahmad Shakarna




Under construction


Engineer Jihad Fanoun from Nahalin municipality told LRC:

“The Israeli occupation forces are always present in the village , attacks against houses and lands are in high rates recently, while Beitar Illit settlement is expanding rapidly, we are not allowed to add even a barracks.

People of Nahalin will keep up the construction , and these assaults will only strengthen their roots in the ground.”

Image titleThe targeted residence / Nahalin

Image titleA notice on Ahmad Shakarna residence / Nahalin


The village is located 10 km to the south west of Bethlehem and 3.5 km to the east of the armistice line of 1949.

The village's total area is 18,858 dunums including 890 dunums of built-up area, inhabited by 8741 people according to the PCBS statistics of 2017.

Israel has confiscated 4,283 dunums from the village lands 3,583 dunums of which for colonial expansion purposes and 700 dunums for the favor of bypass roads. There are 8 colonies founded on the village land, namely (Beit Ein, Tsoref, Majdal Oz, Jabot, Kfar Etzion, Efrat, Illit, Rosen Tsurem and Allon Shevut).


Image title

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