
Settlers steal the harvest of a Palestinian farmer – Al-Lubban Ash-Sharqiya/ Nablus governorate

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Violation: Stealing harvest of a Palestinian farmer.

Location: Al-Lubban Ash-Sharqiya / Nablus governorate.

Date: 04/11/2019.

Perpetrators: Settlers of ‘Eli.

Victims: Farmer Mustafa Nubani.


Monday , November 4th , 2019, farmer Mustafa Nubani (75 years) went to his plot to harvest olives in Wad Al-Ali area , but was shocked of seeing that ‘Eli settlers stole the olive harvest of his grove.

Farmer Mustafa Nubani told LRC the following:

“My extended family and I (20 persons) headed to our olive grove on Monday, which is located 3.5 km south east the village. Noteworthy , I get to access my plot only few days during olive harvest season due to the Israeli occupation policies. However, once I  got an access permission, I gathered my family and went to the plot, to see that Israeli settlers stole all the harvest.”

Reportedly, Israeli settlers stole the harvest of (250) olive trees aging 50 years old, on an area of 15 dunums, these trees provide a subside source of income for the whole family, the olive grove produces about 7.5 ton, which worth 50,000 NIS – about 14,200 $.

 Al Lubban ash Sharqiya:[1]

The village is located 22 km to the south of Nablus city, and is located at the southern borders of the Governorate. It is surrounded by numerous Palestinian villages including Eskaka, Qaryut, Salfit, Sinjel and many others.

the village total area is 15,637 dunums including 255 dunums of built-up area, or projected built-up area.

The village lands are plain fields planted with vegetables and cereals annually, The rest of its agricultural area are fields planted with prunus and olives.

The village is inhabited by 2640 people in 2017 census.

Israeli occupation devoured 1670 of the town’s lands:

Israeli colonies devoured 1168 dunums for :

Colony’s name

Establishing year

Area/ dunums

Number of colonists

Maale Levona








2: Bypass 60 took over 502 dunums of the towns lands.

The towns land according to Oslo convention:

Area A (5, 313) dunums.

Area B (4,037) dunums.

Area C (6,287) dunums.

[1] GIS- LRC

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