
The Israeli occupation escalate their oppressing policies against Palestinians and their lands

Nonstop Human Rights violations against Jerusalemites

The Israeli occupation escalate their oppressing policies against Palestinians and their lands

Jerusalemites witness daily Human Rights abuses ; The Israeli occupation institutions unified efforts to conduct schemes that create a state of tension and absence of security on the Jerusalemites who are experiencing the worse in their own city.

Wherever you turn your eyes in the city’s streets you find Israeli military orders hanged on walls or doors for lands confiscation for construction projects, opening streets, and such projects isolated Arab communities and towns in Jerusalem, from each other and halted their natural physical expansion. On the other hand, tens of tenders are announced to construct and expand settlements in Beit Hanina, Shu’fat, Ras Al-Amud, Sur Bahir and Jabal Al-Mukabir. There is also a plan for a railway that started in Shu’fat and will pass through As-Samar, Ash-Shaikh Jarah towards “Jilo” settlement.

Moreover, hundreds of houses are under demolition sword under pretext of building without licenses from the Israeli occupation municipality. In fact, the construction area for Palestinians is decreasing due to the occupation categorization of land use , it is also notable that he Israeli occupation municipality refuses to put organizational plans for Arab neighborhoods, which makes construction even harder, because any new constructions are not allowed without an organizational plan .

Settlers numbers are increasing in the old city of Jerusalem and Silwan, colonial institutions are very active in the old city using various methods to lay hands on Palestinian homes and properties , throughout Freud and illegal buying deals under foreign names , in addition to recruiting laws in the process , such as absentees’ properties laws , which was used as a pretext to confiscate wide areas of Palestinian lands , such colonial institutions work with high budgets , and are financially supported by Zionists around the world.

Furthermore, excavations under Silwan and around Al-Aqsa mosque left great damages on houses and roads , such excavations are carried out by IR David Foundation in cooperation with Nature Authority and the occupation municipality.

That comes with settlers frequent break ins to Al-Aqsa Mosque in groups and attacking Moslem worshippers inside the mosque , supported by the occupation government that issues banning orders against those who resist or fight back , Israeli settlers intention is to impose control over parts of the mosque to create a situation similar to that in the Sanctuary of Abraham . Even cemeteries were subjected of Israeli attacks , the Israeli authorities prohibited burring new bodies in several cemeteries.

Nevertheless , Israeli authorities impose high fines on vendors in shops of the old city of Jerusalem , in addition to the high renting fees (2000-3000 $/ monthly), inside the city wall and its surroundings, in a desperate attempt to change the Palestinian characteristic of the Jerusalem old city market .

According to the occupation, Jerusalem and its people are not allowed to implement sportive , cultural or musical events, once an event is planned the halt of work and closure orders will be issued as quickly as lightening , any activity that aims for entertaining the Jerusalemites or their children will be followed by a closure or banning order, this was also reflected in closing number of institutions with orders issued by minister of internal security , the occupation authorities are  working day and night to close Palestinian cultural institutions and end any cultural activity, then replace them with Israeli institutions that promote Israeli agenda in the city.

The Israeli occupation imposed Israeli curriculum on most of Jerusalemite schools that provide historical misconceptions and present Israel as a democratic state and Palestinians are a minority living in  it.

These displacement policies target students, workers and vendors, the occupation is breaching basic Human Right of Jerusalemites , hoping that such measures will push Jerusalemites to leave their homes , but in the contrary , Jerusalemites’ roots are even stronger in the holy city.