
The Occupation forces destroy a Pastoral Reserve in Khirbet Tana- East Beit Furik / Nablus governorate

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Monday, December 23 ,2019 about 10:00 am , A massive army force raided Khirbet Tana “6 km East Beit Furik” , the force was accompanied by 4 military jeeps , 4 vehicles related to the building and organization department in the civil administration , 4 bulldozers and 30 masked militants.

The force reached the pastoral reserve of Khirbet Tana , and banned movement , closed up the area , set up roadblocks, then carried on destroying the fence .

The responsible on the reserve Kamal Hanini told LRC the following:

“The Israeli occupation militants pulled off the fence to make a way for bulldozers to get in, they also cut the trees of the reserve with a sharp tool, the operation continued for 5 hours, leaving great damages on Khirbet Tana reserve, and a partial damage for other two reserves”.

The operation left the following damages:

Name of the reserve

Area of the reserve

Number of uprooted trees

Other information


Marah Hilal Reserve



-Destroying two gates with an area of 16m2

-Destroying the fence 1100 m2

90 trees aging 5 years old

2000 saplings planted by the Nablus directorate of agriculture

Al-Khirbet Aj-Janubiya reserve



-Destroying two gates with an area of 16m2

Trees aging 5 years old

Al-Khirbet Ash-Shamaliya reserve



-Destroying two gates with an area of 16m2

-Destroying 50% of a 700m2 fence

The planted trees are unprotected and exposed to overgrazing

Beqa’a Al-Karm Reserve



-Destroying two gates with an area of 16m2

- destroying the whole fence 650m2

The planted trees are unprotected and exposed to overgrazing

Khallet Aj-Jamal reserve



-Destroying two gates with an area of 16m2

- destroying the whole fence 650m2

The siege is 1.5 m height




Source : Firsthand field observation – Israeli violations monitoring section- LRC

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Noteworthy, LRC implemented the Pastoral reserves project in Bedouin communities in the west bank (2015-2016) , in partnership with Oxfam and funded by  the Belgian Development Agency within (Supporting Steadfastness of Palestinian Sommunities in area C) project activities .

The main aim of the project is to support the steadfastness of Palestinian Bedouins in area C , through providing postures, after the occupation closed most postures for military proposes , which made cattle breeding even harder and more expensive in communities that depend mainly on cattle breeding for living.

The idea of the Pastoral reserve was to irrigate the trees for years until they are ready to be used as postures, then practicing grazing rotation as a good agricultural practice, which was managed by a committee of volunteer herders from the surrounding communities.

The occupation targeted Khirbet Tana pastoral reserve that occupy over (300 dunums) and fenced by 3100*1.5m fence, and planted by 4000 pastoral saplings, such as : Acacia, Retama, cactus, Christ's thorn jujube , Tamarisk, Carob and Moringa. During the last three years, farmers have been irrigating them waiting patiently for them to grow.

Noteworthy, the occupation destroyed Khirbet Ad-Duqaiqa “An-Najada” , east Yatta in Hebron governorate in July 4th 2019.

The Israeli occupation designs in the Palestinian territories are increasing fast after the Israeli minister of defense Neftali Benett’s  meeting with European ambassadors and threats of demolishing any new structures in area C, including those funded by the European Union.

Image titleOne of the Pastoral reserves in Khirbet Tana

Image titleInstalling a pastoral reserve in Khirbet Tana

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Farmers irrigating saplings in the pastoral reserve

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