
Setting up a metal gate on Taqu’ village entrance / Bethlehem governorate

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Violation: The Israeli occupation sets up a metal gate on Taqu’ entrance.

Location : Bareyet  Taqu’ / Bethlehem governorate.

Date: April 30th 2019.

Perpetrator: The Israeli Occupation Army.

Victims: People of Taqu’.


Tuesday, April 30th 2019, the Israeli occupation army set up a metal gate on the northern entrance of Taqu’ , which is considered a vital road.

Noteworthy, the Israeli occupation forces are always present on this entrance and hinder citizens’ movement, The fanatic forces reportedly harass school students in their way to school, and sometimes arrest them for no reason.

It is important to mention that the occupation sealed off the road with dirt mounds in April 9th 2019, which was followed by setting up a metal gate to close it whenever they want.

Eng.Mahmoud from Taqu’ municipality told LRC:

“This is the main entrance for Taqu’, the occupation forces are always present at the location harassing citizens , and they close the gate as a collective punishment for the whole village.”

This area is known as “The School’s neighborhood” , because most of the village’s schools is in the area , closing the road will hinder the educational process.

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Setting up a metal on Taqu’ village entrance

About Tuqu’:[1]

Tuqu' is an old Canaanite name which meant "placing of tents"; the crusaders called it "Thecua" as it was one of their strongholds in Bethlehem area. Tuqu' has a great deal of Roman, Greek, and Mamluke ruins considering its strategic location.

One of the most significant ruins is the "baptism basin" which is a stony artifact that has been cut and formed. It represents a number of Christian sects.

It is believed that the artifact has been made around the 1750s; it is also believed that this is one part of a two-part artifact; the second part's location is unknown.

Tuqu' total area is 199,634 dunums. Therefore it is considered the largest rural community in Palestine. The village is 5km to the south of Bethlehem governorate and is covered by evergreen trees, making it an attraction to many visitors and tourists.

It is inhabited by 8767 people by 2017 including all its four parts namely: Tuqu’, Khirbet Tuqu', Khirbet al-Dair, and al-Halqum.

Tuqu' is surrounded by 5 Israeli colonies including:

“Tqua” settlement was established in 1977 , devoured 1,033 dunums , and populated by 1,116 settlers.

“Mushki Dar Got” was established in 1991 and devoured 93 dunums.

“Nokdim” was established in 1982 , devoured 345 dunums and populated 646 settlers.

In addition, bypass roads 356/3157/3670 devoured more than 99 dunums. Oslo conventions divided Tuqu’ as the following:

  • B area: 3,954 dunums.

  • C area : 195,680 dunums , about 46,841 dunums is a natural reserve.

International conventions and agreements that penetrate closing roads:

Such as, Universal Declaration of human rights 1948 ,

  • Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

  • Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment..

  • Article 9: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

  • Article13: Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.

  • (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

  • International convent on civil and political rights:

  • Article 7: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation


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This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union

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