
Military order targets a plot in Al-Faresiya in order to expand a Water Station

Violation: Military order to devour 1.231 m2.

Location: Khirbet Al-Faresiya / The northern Jordan Valley.

Date: September 20th 2020.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Occupation Civil Administration.

Victims: People of Khirbet Al-Faresiya (Ein Ghazal).


Sunday, September 20th 2020, the Israeli Occupation forces raided Al-Faresiya rural community in the Jordan Valley, and gave people of the community military orders to devour a plot at the location.

One of the orders target a plot with a total area of 1.231 dunums , while the second is a modification of borders for a plot previously confiscated to establish a water station (Elisha’a), the confiscated lands for the station’s expansion is 1.69 dunums, the modification kept 1.231 dunums under israeli control (area in red) , while it canceled seizure of areas in Yellow in the attached map. Here is a farther explanation:

  • Military order number (H /12/20) : Entitled (Seizure and imposing control) , to expand water station Elisha’s , the order declared the seizure of 1.69 dunums of lands confiscated (in red) , and part of the lands confiscated in the past (in Yellow).

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Military order number (H /12/20) 

  • Military order number (H/ 80/20): Entitled (Seizure and imposing control) which will modify borders, and keep 1.231 dunums under control (in red), and cancel seizure of lands in Yellow.

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Military order number (H/ 80/20)

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Photo 5: water station established on confiscated lands

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 Rotem colony

The targeted lands on the military orders are in natural block (175) , pieces (18) and (20) (colored in red in the attached map) , noting that those lands are nearby the bypass road known as Road Allon . The lands are registered as Tapu lands , belong to Daraghma family from Tubas . This military order was issued in June 11th 1980, but the borders targeted at the notice were modified recently.

Note: According to the notice, the lands were confiscated for “Public interest” and in reference to military order 1969 related to confiscation for Public interest.

In Reality, the only group benefiting from the so called public interest is Israeli citizens and colonists, while Palestinians will be kept away under security claims.

Khirbet Al Farisiya [1]

Khirbet Al Farisiya is located in Wadi Al Malih in Tubas Governorate at a distance of 20 kilometers east of the city of Tubas. The lands of the Khirbet stretch between Al Tayasir checkpoint and the Jordan River. Its current population is 400 Palestinians while the number exceeded 1,000 before the Israeli occupation of 1967.

The residents of the Khirbet largely depend on farming and herding as main source of income. The main clans in the area are Bisharat, Dababiyyat and Dharaghma from the city of Tubas and the town of Tammun. A number of the residents have their roots in the area of Yatta in Hebron Governorate.



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This report was prepared with EU funding

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