
Israeli illegal Colonists uproot and loot 45 olive saplings in Turmus’ayya / Ramallah governorate

Violation: Uprooting and cutting 45 olive saplings.

Location: Turmusa’yya town / Ramallah governorate.

Date: September 6th 2020.

Perpetrators: Israeli illegal Colonists.

Victims: Farmers Hassan Abu ‘Awad , Naji Shalaby.


Sunday , September 6th  2020 , a group of colonists coming from a new outpost built on confiscated lands in Ad-Dhahrat uprooted 45 olive saplings , cut Almond and figs trees , and looted 14  metal angles (used as corers to hold barbed wires) in Turmusa’yya.

Turmusa’yya village council head Sa’id Aby Talib told LRC:

“Since the establishment of the new outpost in Ad-Dhahrat north Turmus’ayya , people of the village especially farmer have been living in constant fear, as colonists became well known of their vandalism attacks. Noteworthy the new outpost is built on a land the Israeli government classifies as a governmental property , and its Palestinian owners were banned access to it , on other words : confiscated under claims of governmental properties.”

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Image titleThe targeted lands in the attack

Reportedly, the attack left the following damages:


The targeted land (dunums )


Hassan Abu ‘Awad


Uprooting and looting 35 olive saplings aging 3 years old

Naji Shalaby


Uprooting and looting 10 olive saplings, 5 of them are olives , 3 grapes , 2 figs

Looting 14 metal angles (used as corers to hold barbed wires)



One of the owners/ victims Hassan Abu ‘Awad told LRC:

“I inherited a 2.5 dunums of land in Turmus’ayya , we have been cultivating it for many years with wheat and grains , it provides us a sub-side source of income  , one year ago , I decided to cultivate the plot with olives to protect it from colnial expansion. However,  since the establishment of the outposts , Israeli occupation forces and colonists put many difficulties and hinders to ban us from accessing our land , each time we try to access our land , settlers attack us , they also loot saplings and take them to the outpost they built on our confiscated lands.”

About Turmus'ayya:

It is located 25 km to the north east of Ramallah city. It has a population of 3736 people (according to a 2007 census). Its total area is 18139 dunums, 1350 of which are built-up area. About 11218 dunums of land are under Area B (PA is in charge of civil matters with Israel responsible for security) and 6921 dunums are under Area C (Israel maintains full security and administrative control).

The Israeli occupation confiscated vast areas of the village for the benefit of the following colonies:

1. Shilo and Mizpe Rahel devoured 1023 dunums

2. Mizpe Rahel devoured 706 dunums

3. The bypass road number 60 stole 12.5 dunums


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