
Demolishing a house and a Fish Pond in Khirbet Al-Farisiya / Tubas governorate

Violation: Demolishing and Confiscating facilities.

Location: Khirbet Al-Farisiya / The northern Jordan Valley.

Date: October 19th 2020.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Occupation Civil Administration.

Victims: Citizen Radad Daraghma.


Mariam Daraghmeh , a one year old child  was sleeping in her safe crib when the Israeli Occupation forces and bulldozers showed up demolished her family home.

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Photo 1: Mariam’s crib after the attack

Monday Oct 19th 2020 about 9:00 am, three military Jeeps and a Volvo bulldozer raided “Khallet Khader” area which is a part of Khirbet Al-Farisiya in Tubas governorate. The occupation bulldozer demolished a shack built of metal columns and Plastic sheets (60 m2) , a concrete floor under the shack with a total area of (12 m2), a part of a  fish pond with a storage capacity of 5 m3, in addition to confiscating a Volkswagen polo Model 2012 and an Electric generator that belong to Radad Daraghma.

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Photos 2+3: The residence after being demolished by the Occupation Forces

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Photo 4: The demolished fish pond

Daraghma lives in “Khallet Khader” area in Khirbet Al-Farisiya , in an area known for its outstanding nature , on a plot his family owns proven by Tapu papers . Despite that, in October 13th 2020 , Daraghma received two noticesissued in Reference to Israeli military order no (1797) which gives only 96 hours to get a license , or otherwise the structure will be demolished.

The Occupation Authorities issued a demolition notice no (10115) , noteworthy , the construction costs is estimated to reach 13,000 shekels , as the owner testified.

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Photo 5: A notice of demolition for Daraghma’s house

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Photo 6: A notice for the fish pond

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Photo 7: A confiscation notice for an Electric generator

Radad Daraghma told LRC the following:

“I have a family that is composed of 5 members, 3 of them are children, and I work in cattle breeding and fish farming to provide food on the table for my children. Two months ago , I constructed a residence for myself and my family in Khallet Khader on a land that belongs to my family , but the occupation insists on demolishing any new structures Palestinians build no matter how simple it was. The Occupation forces threw my wife and children outside, to watch bulldozers as they destroy our house.”

Khirbet Al Farisiya “Khallet Khader”:

Khirbet Al Farisiya is located in Wadi Al Malih in Tubas Governorate at a distance of 20 kilometers east of the city of Tubas. The lands of the Khirbet stretch between Al Tayasir checkpoint and the Jordan River. Its current population is 400 Palestinians while the number exceeded 1,000 before the Israeli occupation of 1967.

The residents of the Khirbet largely depend on farming and herding as main source of income. The main clans in the area are Bisharat, Dababiyyat and Dharaghma from the city of Tubas and the town of Tammun. A number of the residents have their roots in the area of Yatta in Hebron Governorate.

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Photo 8: Khirbet Al-Farisiya – (Khallet Khader)

This report was prepared with EU funding

The Contents of this document are the responsibility of LRC , and do not reflect the positions of the European Union