
The Corona year... Home Staying or Home Demolition?

2020 will always be remembered as the worst Year in Human history, Life was interrupted; airports, train stations and ports were stopped. Hotels, restaurants, Parks, halls, theatres, Opera houses, Even Universities, schools, and workshops were locked, and Humans were quarantined at their homes afraid from a mysterious Virus.

Everything was paralyzed except Israeli Violations against Palestinian houses, lands and farms. At the time people all around the world were told to stay home, The Israeli Occupation was taking advantage of farmers’ absence from their land, to carry out assaults represented in vandalism, ravaging, opening roads, and building colonies.  Israel also escalated demolition operations that target houses and facilities. During 2020, Israeli bulldozers demolished 850 houses and facilities, an increase by 124 % compared to demolition rates in the last five years, they also cut about 19050 trees, most of them are olive trees.

Moreover, The Israeli Occupation confiscated (12,070) dunums of Palestinian lands , established 18 new outpost , expanded 55 colonies , and declared 83 new colonial plans , other than closing vast areas of Palestinian lands under claims of expanding natural reserves , which halted Palestinians’  urban development on their own lands.

The year 2020 - Corona year – Witnessed the announcement of the Deal of the Century, and the Occupation’s gradual and silent Annexation of Palestinian lands.

A corrupt American president on the head of the world’s most powerful country gave Israel precious gifts, on the top of them was the quest for a new legalization in the American Congress that will limit Palestinian refugees rights to the first Generation, which means the youngest among them will be 73 years old, This legalization denies the right of the succeeding generations to return to their home land.

The Corona year was tough for all Humanity, but Palestinians suffered the most as they fight several pandemics represented in Colonization, Occupation, international abandonment, and Arab Normalization deals with Israel, all of these pandemics were deadlier to the Palestinian people, and apparently The Worst is yet to come. 

Land Research Centre

Palestine - Dec 31st 2020