
Confiscating an Agricultural Shack in Ras At-Teen / Ramallah governorate

Violation: Confiscating an agricultural Shack.

Location: Ras At-Teen east Kufur Malik/ Ramallah governorate.

Date: December 8th 2020.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Occupation Civil Administration.

Victims: Hassan Abu Al-Kbash.


Tuesday, December 8th 2020, Massive army forces accompanied by the Israeli Occupation’s Civil Administration officer raided Ras At-teen village to the east of Kafr Malik , and imposed a military siege around the Bedouin community of Ras At-Teen . Noteworthy, the Shack is built of metal sheets and belongs to Hassan Abu Al-Kbash (51) with a total area of 72 m2, the targeted shack was used as a barn for 34 heads of sheep.

Hassan Abu Al-Kbash told LRC the following:

“One day before the confiscation, an officer from the so called Israeli civil Administration raided the area and told me to dismantle the shack on my own; I told him that the weather is so cold and I cannot leave the sheep outside, so he left , but showed up the next day accompanied by troops and a large truck from the civil administration and dismantled the shack then loaded it on the truck and gave me a confiscation notice, now my sheep are left in the cold.”

Bedouin communities depend mainly on cattle breeding and basic agriculture for living. Ras At-Teen community is composed of 30 families who have been living in the area for more than 25 years. About 3 months ago they received a number of demolition notices, these notices are the occupation’s attempt to empty the area from its residents.

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shots from the confiscation operation

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This report was prepared with EU funding

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