
60 olive trees uprooted and confiscated in ‘Arab Az-Zayed Community – An-Nuwe’ima / Jericho governorate

Violation: Cutting and confiscating 60 olive trees.

Location: ‘Arab Az-Zayed community / An-Nuwe’ima.

Date: Dec 29th 2020.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Occupation Civil Administration.

 Victims: Citizen Suliman Az-Zayed.


Tuesday 29th 2020, The Israeli Occupation forces accompanied by state properties officer raided An-Nuwe’ima west Jericho , and carried on uprooting and confiscating 60 olive trees aging 5 years old from a plot belongs to Suliman Az-Zayed from Al-Zayed Bedouin community , the uprooted trees were taken to the illegal colony Mevo’ot Yeriho.

At the same spot, the occupation troops cut and confiscated 80 meters siege that surrounded the targeted plot in natural block 1 of An-Nuwe’ima lands . Noteworthy, the targeted lands was targeted with an eviction notice in June 22nd 2018 on the pretext of violating a state property, the notice under which the owner was told to evict within 45 days holds the number (45012), for more information read our report.

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Photos 1-2: following uprooting trees in An-Nuwe’ima lands

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Photo 3: Eviction notice issued by the Occupation authorities

Shaikh Suliman Az-Zayed – Community head told LRC the following:

“The targeted lands used to be planted with wheat and barley, and in 2018 we planted it with olives in order to produce olive oil, the Occupation gave us an eviction notice then on the pretext of assaulting a governmental property. We refused to evict, so the arbitrary forces came by and ravaged our land.”

During the last few years the occupation have been heavily targeting Arab Az-Zayed , many houses were demolished , and many others were notified. On the other hand, Mev’ou Yeriho colony is getting a lot of facilitations from the Israeli government to expand three times double its current size.

 About Arab Az-Zayed Community:

Arab Abu Zayed community (An Nuwei’meh Bedouins) is located around 1 kilometer to the northwestern side of An Nuwei’meh village north of Jericho city.

The community is considered part of An Nuwei’meh village boundary and has a total population of 350 (Head of Arab Abu Zayed community 2011). According to the Oslo II Interim agreement of 1995, the community of Arab Abu Zayed is located in ‘C’ area which falls under the full Israeli control. Palestinians living in Area ‘C’ must acquire building permits from the Israeli Civil Administration in order to be able to build and expand.

To the northwest of Arab Abu Zayed community and around 1 kilometer away from it, lies an Israeli military base which contributed much to the obstruction of the community growth and development. The military base has also caused the displacement of many Bedouins families living in the area due to the activities that take place during military trainings which include fire shooting.

It should be marked that Bedouins of Arab Al-Mleihat community hail from the area of Beer AL-Saba’, from which they were expelled in the aftermath of 1948 war. Bedouins moved to several Bedouin communities in west bank.

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