
The Israeli Occupation Threats to demolish Businesses in Ya’bad town / Jenin Governorate

Violation: Military notices target Businesses.

Location: Ya’bad town / Jenin Governorate.

Date: March 1st 2021.

Perpetrators: The construction Inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: Three families from the town.


The Israeli Occupation restrict measurements against Palestinian citizens east Ya’bad , especially nearby the Israeli military checkpoint “Dotan” , where the occupation prohibits any sort of developmental projects.

Recently, The Construction officer related to the Israeli Civil Administration raided the area east Ya’bad in March 1st 2021, and targeted three businesses with military notices. The raid resulted the following: A military notice targeted a Coffee Shop, Two Summons for a Grocery shop owner, and a butcher shop owner, the owners were summoned to “Beit El” military court on March 17th 2021 to decide the fate of their shops.

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The Targeted structures 

Noteworthy, both citizens targeted in the summons received halt of work notices last year, and other summons to attend a building and organization session last July, a legal file was prepared and a legal aid institution was assigned to follow up the case.

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The military notices 

The following table shows more information about the targeted businesses:

Affected Citizen

Family members


The targeted facility

Notice type and number

Photo number

Issa ‘Atatra



Coffee Shop 90 m2

Halt of Work Notice (30478)


‘Omar Al-Kilani



Butcher Shop 45 m2

Summon to the Organization session 20 August

Zaid Harzallah



Grocery shop

Summon to the Organization session 20 September





During the Past Years, the Israeli Occupation issued about 12 military notices targeting different structures around ‘Araba town and Ya’bad village south Jenin, the occupation is prohibiting any sort of constructions or rehabilitations at the location.

A Glimpse of Ya’bad:[1]

18 km to the west of Jenin , and surrounded by Al-Kheljan , At-Tarm, Al-‘Arqa , Imreha , Khirbet Mas’oud , Zibda , Tura , Nazlat Ash-Shaikh Zayed (North) , Quffin (west) , Al-Kafriyat Village (east) , ‘Arraba , Kafr Ra’ie, An-Nazla Ash-Sharqiya , Baqa Ash-Sharqiya (South).

Ya’abad has a population of 16 ,012 people according to 2017 census, and a total area of 29572 dunums , of which 1814 dunums are a built up area.

 The Occupation Confiscated 1840 dunums for the following:

  • Israeli Colonies confiscated 483 dunums of the town’s lands for: Mevo Dotan and Hermesh Colony.
  • The Occupation Confiscated 1357 dunums for bypasses 596 and 585.

  • Oslo Accords Divided the town’s lands as follows:
  • Area (A) : 1674 dunums.
  • Area (B): 8124 dunums.
  • Area (C ): 19774 dunums.


This report was prepared with EU funding

The Contents of this document do not reflect positions and views of the European Union