
The Israeli Occupation Hinders Rehabilitation Works on a plot in Deir Nitham Village / Ramallah Governorate

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Violation: Notice titled “stop destroying antiquities” to ban rehabilitation of a plot.

Location: Deir Nitham village / Ramallah Governorate.

Date: October 31st 2021.

Perpetrators: The building inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: Farmer Munjed At-Tamimi.


Sunday, October 31st 2021, The building inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration raided the northern entrance of Deirn Nitham village north Ramallah, and served a notice to citizen Munjed At-Tamimi for cultivating his (1.5) dunums plot.

In addition, the Occupation arrested Munjed and tried to confiscate his tractor, Notice “749” was thrown to the ground next to a rock.

The Israeli Occupation confiscated and closed off vast areas of the village lands. In addition, the only spring at the town was closed off to Palestinian farmers more than 12 years ago, the occupation continuously tries to change land settlement at the area from agricultural land to construction areas to expand Halmish colony.

Noteworthy, early 2021, Israeli illegal colonists targeted more than 24 dunums north the village, the targeted plot has a total area of 5 dunums.

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Photo 1: The targeted land

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Photo 2: Deir Nitham village

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Photo 3: Notice to halt destroying antiquities          

About Deir Nitham village:

25 kilometers north west Ramallah, Deir Nitham village is surrounded by An-Nabi Salih and Bni Zeid Al-Gharbeyeh towns (north) , ‘Abud (west) , Kobar and Umm Safa (east) and Beitillu (south). It has a population of 876 people in 2017 census.

Deir Nitham has an area of 2,758 dunums , 161 of them are a built up area of the town, the Israeli illegal occupation confiscated parts of the towns’ lands for the following purposes:

“Hallamish” illegal settlement confiscated more than 604 dunums, established in 1977.

Bypass roads (450 and 465) confiscated over 250 dunums.

The land is divided according to Oslo convention to B and C areas:

  • Area B: 128 dunums.
  • Area C: 2,630 dunums.

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