
Halt of Work Notices for Two Houses in Ras Al-‘Auja area North Jericho

Violation: Halt of Work Notices for two houses.

Location: Ras Al-‘Auja area / Jericho Governorate.

Date: September 12th 2021.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: Farmer Yousif Al-Ka’abneh.


Sunday Morning, September 12th 2021, The Building inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration raided Ras Al-‘Auja area North Jericho , and targeted  two structures of steel sheets with Halt of Work notices on the pretext of building without a licensee in area C.

According to military order number (119872) , the occupation sat October 4th 2021, as the date of “the Inspection subcommittee” in Beit El military courts to decide the fate of the structure.

Notice number 119872 which targets house of citizen Yousif Ka’abneh

Reportedly, each one of the targeted houses has a total area of 75 m2 built of steel sheets and baton floor, the targeted strucure is a home for family of Citizen Yousif Al-Ka’abneh which composes of 10 family members, 3 of them are children (including 5 females).

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Houses of Al-Ka’abneh family

According to Field observation surveys in 2020, the occupation forces carried out a brutal demolition wave that took down 16 residential and agricultural facilities, and displaced tens of families, that was in addition to daily raids and assaults against people of the village.

Ras Al-‘Auja area is a part of Al-‘Auja lands , today inhabited by more than 64 Bedouin families descending from : Al-Mlihat , Al-Sweida, Al-Ghawanma , At-Tarifat and Al-Ka’abneh.

Most of them depend on cattle breeding as a main source of income, and live a basic life deprived from their basic human rights.

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A view of the community in general

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