
New Outpost to be built on Deir Dibwan lands North Ramallah Governorate

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Violation: New Colonial outpost.

Location: Deir Dibwan town / Ramallah Governorate.

Date: September and October 2021.

Perpetrators: Colonists gangs.

Victims: People of Palestinian communities.


As part of the occupation’s policies to illegally expand on Palestinian lands. during the past five years, the West Bank witnessed the construction of tens of outposts on hilltops around the west bank, the main reason behind that is to impose control over vast areas of lands , and close them to Palestinians.

Reportedly, In September 10th 2021, a group of colonists sat up 5 residential units in  Ras Al-Qeta’a area , in natural block 26 of piece 87 of Deir Dibwan , on a total area of 4 dunums that belongs to families of Sarma and Mansour from the town.

Owners of the targeted lands tried to get to the location in order to respond to the assault. However, the occupation army showed up to protect colonists , and expelled farmers from their own lands.

In early October 2021, Illegal Israeli colonists were seen ravaging and leveling eight dunums on roads that connect the outpost to bypass 60 , in order to impose realities on the ground, noting that the ravaged lands belong to farmers from villages and towns in Deir Dibwan , Mikhmas , and Barqa northeast Ramallah.

Deir Dibwan Municipality head Mansour Mansour told LRC: “The new outpost started last April, when an Israeli colonist sat up a tent in Ras Al-Qata’a , the owners of the lands protested, and with pressures the colonist had to leave. But recently, he came back with a larger group of colonists under the protection of the occupation army, then opened a road to reach the outpost.”

Mikhmas municipality head also told LRC: “we conducted a meeting with landowners and other relevant bodies at the area, in order to prepare a legal file, and submit a compliant to the Israeli police.”

A new outpost means an increase in colonists’ assaults against the surrounding olive groves and farmlands.

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Photos 2+3: The new outpost

About Deir Dibwan:[1]

5 kilometer east Ramallah, Ramallah is surrounded by Ramon and Ein Yabrud (north), Beitin (west), Al-Nuwe’ma and Ein Dyuk Al-Fuqa (east) , Anatta, Mikhmas. Burqa from the south.

Deir Dibwan has a total population of 4169 people according to statistics conducted in 2017. It has a total area of 74,285 of which 1,789 dunums are a built-up area of the village.

The occupation devoured (4121) dunums for the following purposes:

1: settlements confiscated 1346 dunums:

Settlement’s name

Establishing year

Area of confiscated land

Number of settlers

Kokhav Yaacov




Mitzpe Danny




Neve Erez




Maale Mikhmas




2: Bypass roads (458 and 457) devoured over (1,543) dunums.

3: Military camps devoured (1,232)dunums

According to Oslo conventions The areas are clarified in donums as following:

  • Area A (307) donums
  • AreaB (12,925) donums
  • Area C (61,052) donums .


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