
Halt of work notice for an Agricultural Structure in Deir Qaddis / Ramallah Governorate

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Violation: Halt of Work Notice for an agricultural structure.

Location: Al-Mhalel area – Deir Qaddis village / Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate.

Date: February 16th 2022.

Perpetrators: The building inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: Citizen Mohammed Ghithan.


Wednesday, February 16th 2022, The building inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration raided Deir Qaddis village west Ramallah city , and served a notice to an agricultural structure belong to citizen Mohammed Ghithan , on the pretext of building without a license.

According to the military order number (32223) , the occupation sat (March 14th 2022) as the date of the building and organization session in Beit El military court to decide the fate of the structure.

Affected citizen

Family members



Area m2

The targeted facility

Notice number

Mohammed Ghithan





Agricultural structure and a kiosk


Affected citizen Mohammed Ghithan told LRC:

“I built the shack so I can use it in my agricultural work, I earn my living through selling cars parts , the occupation forces however, would never leave me alone and they already destroyed several structures at this plot.”

Ghithan asserted:

“I received a halt of work notice in 2021 for the shacks I own at this ploton the pretext of building without a license, in 2016 the occupation also destroyed other shacks at the plot that I leased to people of the area.”

Al-Mhalel area in Deir Qaddis witnessed a vicious campaign of military orders during which more than 50 notices were distributed in the village , in addition to the demolition operations that aim to empty the area for the occupation’s colonial expansions . Noteworthy, Al-Mhalel contains a number of workshops that provide sources of income for many people at the village.

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Photo 1: The targeted facility

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Photo 2: halt of work and demolition notice

About Deir Qaddis:

Deir Qaddis is located 25 km west Ramallah and bordered by Shabteen (north), Na’alin (west), Kharabtha Bani Harith (east) and Bala’en (south). Deir Qaddis is populated 2452 in 2017, and has a total area of 8,051 dunums , of which 518 are the town’s built up area.

Israeli built illegal colonies “Na’ale” and Nili on the northern area of the town, and “Kiryat Sefer” in the southern area.

The occupation grabbed 2989 dunums of Deir Qaddis lands for the following purposes:

  • Settlements ate up (2,504) dunums:

Settlement name

Establishment year

Area of confiscated lands

Number of settlers 2018

confiscated lands from Deir Qaddis





Part of the settlement

Kiryat Sefer




Part of the settlement





Part of the settlement





Part of the settlement

2 – Bypass roads number 446 and 463 devoure 355 dunums.

3- The segregation wall is 1,944 m, ate up 194 dunums and blocked 1,816 dunums.

4- Military camps grabbed 130 dunums.

Oslo conventions divided the land as the following:

  • B area: (643) dunums.
  • C area: (7,408) dunums.


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