
Halt of Work Order for Zbidat Family in Marj Na’aja village / Jericho Governorate

Violation: Halt of work order for a residence.

Location: Marj Na’aja village/ Jericho Governorate.

Date: February 28th 2022.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: Citizen Salama Zbeidat.


Monday, February 28th 2022, The Israeli Occupation Authorities represented by the building inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration raided Marj Na’aja village north Jericho city , and issued a halt of work notice for an under construction house belongs to citizen Salama Zbeidat , who supports a family of 9 , among them 3 females (and 5 children).

According to halt of work notice number (31568) , the Occupation sat March 23rd 2022 as the date of the inspection subcommittee , in Beit El military court , to decide the fate of the structure.

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Notice number 31568 which targets a house belong to citizen Salama Zbeidat

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Photo 1: house of citizen Zbeidat

The house has one floor with a total area of (180 m2), still under construction, and built of bricks, the owner was still adding to it, the construction started in 2021.

During the past years, The Occupation destroyed a number of roads in Marj Na’aja , and imposed restrictions on construction , while notified and destroyed a large number of kiosks and markets in both sides of the bypass road.

Marj Na’aja:[1]

About 37 km to the north of Jericho , Marj Na’aja village has a population of 940 people according to the Palestinian central bureau of statistics in 2012.

Most people of the village originate from Umm Al-Fahem and ‘Ara’ra occupied in 1948 , and they belong to many families such as : Ash-Shaikh Khaleel , Maso’ud , Bsharat , Abu Shadad , Al-‘Ayed , Menawi , Abu Hilal , Mara’e , Sawarqa, Bani ‘Odeh.

Marj Na’aja village has a total area of 4872 dunums of which 244 dunums are a built up area for the village , the occupation confiscated 90 dunums for the construction of Argaman colony , and there are 1500 dunums of postures.


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