
Sultan Suleiman Street, and the Jerusalem Municipality’s efforts to Judaize the Old City - occupied Jerusalem

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Since mid-2021, the occupation municipality in Jerusalem has approved a project to develop the area of Sultan Suleiman Street, adjacent to the walls of the Old City from the north, along its extension from the Rockefeller Museum in the east to the entrance to the Al-Masara neighborhood in the west, passing through Bab Al-Sahira and Bab Al-Amoud. The municipality proposes this project as a kind of aesthetic development of the place such as creating gardens, trees and recreational spaces under the supervision of the "Aden" company, at a cost of 70 million..

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Pictures (1-2) show the map and announcement of the project

The project actually started in early June 2022. This project aims to change the historical features of the street and give it a new Israeli color as a kind of continuous Judaization process throughout Jerusalem and its suburbs. This is in addition to creating a space in the vicinity of Bab al-Amud for settlers during their holidays..

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Pictures (3-6) show a section of the project in the areas of Bab Al-Zahira) 

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while pictures (8-9) show a section of the project in the areas of Al-Masara to the west

In addition to changing names, stealing or demolishing homes, and building settlements around Jerusalem, the occupation is also carrying out projects in Arab areas in Jerusalem that include gardens and streets bearing a purely Israeli character, including Salah El-Din Street, Sultan Suleiman Street, Nablus Street and other vibrant streets in Arab Jerusalem.

Sultan Suleiman Street is named after the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566), who is credited with walling the old city in its present form. Several landmarks are located on the street, including the Palestine Archeology Museum (Rockefeller), Solomon's Cave, Rashidiya Secondary School, Sultan Suleiman Bus Station, Al-Sahira Cemetery, and the German Schmidt College for Girls.