
Halt of Work Notices for houses and facilities belong to Shahatit family in Al-Berj area / South Hebron

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Violation: Halt of Work Notices.

Date: January 29th 2023.

Location: Al-Berj Village – Dura town / Hebron Governorate.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: Family of Citizen Mohammed Shahatit.


Sunday 29th 2023 , The Israeli Occupation authorities issued  a halt of work notice for a residence and agricultural facility , on the pretext of building without a license in Al-Berj village west Dura, Hebron governorate.

The targeted facility belong to citizen Mohammed Shahatit , who testified that “two vehicles related to the occupation that belongs to the building and organization department at the Civil Administration raided the wester neighborhood of the village , arrived at the facility , and the building inspector hanged the notices on the targeted structures, and took pictures of them before withdrawing.”

The Occupation authorities ordered the immediate stoppage of construction works and sat December 15th 2023 as the date of the inspection subcommittee in Beit El military court to decide the fate of the structure.

The notices targeted the following buildings:

  • An under construction house with a total area of (160 m2) and built of cement since 2022 , and was supposed to be a home for a family of 12, among them 3 children , and 7 females , the house received military notice no (41034).

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Halt of Work order no (41034)

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Photo 1: The targeted house

  • An agricultural structure: built of steal sheets with a total area of (200 m2) , that is used as a barn , and was established at 2022 , the structures received military notice no(41033).

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military notice (41033) which targets an agricultural facility

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Photo 1: the targeted house

About Al-Burj:

It is located 25 km to the south west of Dura town. Its total area is 6 km2. it is surrounded by a number of Palestinian towns and villages besides the wall that borders the western side of the village. The village is inhabited by around 3000 people who largely depend on agriculture in their living. The village affairs are administered by a village council. Within its boundaries, there exist two schools, one for males and the other for females, 3 mosques, a kindergarten, a sports club, and a maternity clinic.

Like all the other localities around Dura, the village suffers from extreme water shortage. Before the year 2000, the village used to depend on a water network for its water supply. However, the Israelis cut the water supply in 2000. The villagers were forced to find an alternative which was the nearby water springs. However, the water shortage became severe when an Israeli colonist took over the main water spring which the locals used to largely depend on.