
Sum of Israeli violations against the Palestinian right to Housing and Land A statement issued by Land Research Center- end of 2015

 “We want another prey; who is next?; We are hungry; Revenge; Revenge; we will pull out the eyes of Palestinians” . The Youth of Hills

“As long as the heart accommodates a Jewish soul that longs for the east --the land of Zion and Orshalim -- let the people of Canaan tremble; let the people of Babylon tremble, and let fear and panic prevail over them. When our arrows pierce their chests, when we shed their blood, it is when the chosen people of god will go to where god chose for them”. (Israel’s Anthem)

With that Israeli evil and hostile spirit and with their hearts thirsty for blood, the unarmed Palestinian people struggle against the culture of killing torching, demolishing, uprooting that the Israeli occupation inflects on them, their lands, trees, and holy places.

The year of 2015 wore the black as the Palestinian family of Al-Dawabshih was burned alive while asleep by Price Tag colonists, who later celebrated their inhumane violent attack as an achievement.

The fever of violence and terrorism started with colonists and ended up with right-wing parties, official governmental departments, Israel's parliament and the Israeli occupation troops and Border Police. An example was clearly manifested in the Jewish organization of Lahava, which called upon killing and displacing Christian and Muslim Palestinians out of their lands.

Israel hatred reached to the level of killing young kids and detaining their dead bodies on the feeble claim of “suspicion of stabbing attacks”. How come unarmed kids stab fully armed soldiers surrounded by their fellow soldiers???!!

2015 is the year of Al-Aqsa uprising, which was ignited in response to the burning down of kid Mohammad Abu Khadeir alive and to the continuous desecrating of AL-Aqsa mosque.

When land get violated, holy sites get desecrated, and Palestinian blood get shed, life becomes meaningless and dignity pushes the youth to rebel; generation after the other.

The Israeli occupation authorities in 2015 confiscated around 6386 dunums of lands from the West Bank and East Jerusalem and swept another 9564 dunums.

A total of 16105 trees, of which 13000 are olive trees were uprooted where another 18,000 trees were threatened of uprooting.

The dozers of the occupation demolished 645 residences and structures in different areas from the West Bank and East Jerusalem and threatened another 780 ones of demolition.

All demolitions and trees uprooting in addition to other attacks and violations were carried out for the favor of creating more room for colonial expansion.

It should be marked that 1300 residential units were established through direct Israeli fund. Also, the government of Prime Minister, Netanyahu, declared the initiation of a plan to build around 55,000 residential units in the area so-known as E1 that links the colony of Maale Adummim to Jerusalem. This will cut the only connection left to the northern part of West Bank with its southern part. Noteworthy the plan was halted for some time but got approved effective two days ago.

As for Al-Aqsa mosque, 302 violations and attacks were reported on the mosque itself in addition to worshippers stationing inside of it.

The death tolls reached 142 martyrs including 27 children and 12 females in addition to 8000 injured due to live ammunitions, rubber-coated bullets and tear gas. More than 8000 Palestinian young men and women were arrested in the shadow of escalating closures on roads. In the same context, around 84 checkpoints were added to the already-exist 572 ones in the areas of the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

This is how the birthplace of Jesus bids farewell to the year of 2015 and welcomes a new year on the Land of Peace, which never witnessed peace and security due to the brutal Israeli occupation.

Land Research Center – Jerusalem

Arab Studies Society

Wednesday 30 Dec,2015