
Mevo Dotan colonists steal 120 heads of Sheep from ‘Arraba town / Jenin Governorate

Violation: attacking a shepherd and stealing his sheep.

Location: ‘Arraba town / Jenin governorate.

Date: December 19th 2022.

Perpetrators: Mevo Dotan colonists.

Victims: Farmer ‘Imad Lutfi Zuhair.


‘Arraba town southwest Jenin city witnessed a recent colonists’ assault. Noting that Illegal Israeli colonists continue their violations against Palestinian Farmers and Farmlands.

December 19th 2022, About 5:30 of Monday evening, 25 colonists from Mevo Dotan illegal colony raided a sheep barn in Tubrus area north ‘Arraba town, colonists took advantage of night hours to raid the farm, and attack farmer ‘Imad Zuhair (64) after putting handcuffs on his hands, in addition to hitting his wife, and son Khaled, and Khaled wife, then stealing 120 heads of sheep and taking them to Mevo Dotan colony.

The affected farmer told LRC:

“I work at cattle breeding which is my only source of income through which I provide for my 8 family members (with few children), we live out of cattle breeding, and I own a sheep barn in Tubrus , about 3 km away north ‘Arraba town. For more than four years since establishing Mevo Dotan colony nearby the new outpost , we are victims of day to day colonists assaults , they took over vast areas of postures , and closed off several locations.

Asserted: “Monday Evening, when we finished feeding the sheep, we were attacked by 25 armed colonists, I was handcuffed and assaulted along with my son  and wife , and they took 120 heads of sheep from my farm to the mountain. After the colonists left, I called Land Research Center field observer Raed Moqadi who contacted the governorate (which in turn also contacted the Liaison office), in the early morning hours of Wednesday 21st dec , he retuned 63 sheep to me , and told me that he did this to punish me.”

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About Arraba:[1]

Arraba is located 12km from the southern west of Jenin city. It is surrounded by both colonies; al-Manshiyya and Kufeirat (north), Fahma, al- Hafira, and Al Damayra towns (west south) and Fahma and Al Jadida towns (south).

It has a population of 11,479 people until 2017 and has a total area of 33,436 dunums , 1195 of which are built-up area. 1514 dunums were confiscated by the occupation as follows:

Mevo Dotan colony ; established in 1987 and inhabited by 289 colonists, took over 696 dunums of the village’s lands. There is also an army camp for the occupation in the southern part of thw town founded on 129 dunums of the village’s lands. The colonial roads also confiscated 370 dunums for the favor of the bypass road no.585.

According to Oslo Accords , the village lands are classified as :

  • (13869) dunums are classified as areas “A”
  • (3916) dunums are classified as areas “B”
  • (15623) dunums are classified as areas “C”


Protecting Palestinian Environmental Rights in Area “C”

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this report are those of Land Research Center and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the project donor; the Norwegian Refugee Council

إخلاء المسؤولية: الآراء ووجهات النظر الواردة في هذا التقرير هي آراء ووجهات نظر مركز أبحاث الأراضي ولا تعكس بالضرورة وجهات نظر أو مواقف الجهة المانحة للمشروع؛ المجلس النرويجي للاجئين