
Forced Displacement Attempts: Settlers Attack Farmers' Land and Livestock in Jorat al-Khail East of Sa'ir / Hebron Governorate

  • Violation: Settler attacks on farmers
  • Date of Violation: From October 7 to July 14, 2024
  • Location: Jorat al-Khail, Sa'ir / Hebron Governorate
  • Perpetrators: Settlers from "Metsad" and "Asfar" settlements
  • Affected Party: Residents of Jorat al-Khail


Farmer Ahmad Mohammed Mustafa Shalaldeh (62 years old) reported that settlers have been attacking his home, his family's land, and their livestock in Jorat al-Khail, located east of Sa'ir town in Hebron Governorate. Shalaldeh indicated that he lives in the area in tin-sheet and tent shelters with several of his brothers and cousins who work in livestock raising and cultivating their olive and other fruit-bearing lands. However, settlers from the "Metsad" and "Asfar" settlements have escalated their attacks on farmers in the region, especially since the escalation of violence in Gaza on October 7, 2023.

Shalaldeh detailed several incidents:

  1. Road Closure: In October 2023, the Israeli army closed the main historical road leading to Jorat al-Khail, which branches from Wadi Sa'ir. An army bulldozer was used to block the road, forcing residents to find alternative, difficult, and long routes to transport their needs and livestock supplies, significantly increasing transportation costs.
  2. Attack on Livestock: In April 2024, settlers attacked his brother Ibrahim (60 years old) while he was herding the family's livestock. Five masked settlers attacked him, and Ibrahim fled to protect his life (he had previously been physically assaulted by settlers). The settlers chased the herd, and by evening, they gathered the herd back into the pen. Upon counting, they found that six goats had been stolen by the settlers.
  3. Land Excavation: Settlers excavated a plot of land near the residential area, approximately 2 dunams in size, and uprooted mature olive trees (about 35 years old) belonging to farmer Jihad Nazmi Shalaldeh. The settlers intended to create a road in the area, affecting private citizens' lands.
  4. Olive Tree Damage: Shalaldeh reported multiple incidents of settlers cutting and breaking olive tree branches. Around 50 olive trees, aged between 25-35 years, were damaged, and approximately 100 olive seedlings planted in his land were uprooted and stolen the following day.
  5. Destruction of Stone Walls: Settlers demolished and damaged stone walls surrounding his agricultural land. They would enter the land and destroy the walls by hand and foot, leading to soil erosion and damage to trees. These walls had served as a fence to protect the trees from animals.
  6. Provocative Patrols: Settlers conducted provocative patrols within the farmers' dwellings, using offensive language, insults, and spitting to force them to leave the area.
  7. Firing at Livestock: Settlers shot at farmers' homes multiple times. On one occasion, they shot at a donkey owned by Ibrahim Shalaldeh, which was used for plowing his land and transporting his belongings and water. Another donkey owned by farmer Yusuf al-Tarawa, used for agricultural purposes and transporting belongings, was also shot.
  8. Destruction of Water Tanks: Settlers punctured and destroyed five plastic water tanks, each with a capacity of 2 cubic meters, used for collecting water for agricultural purposes, including irrigation of seedlings and livestock.
  9. Military Raid:       On the evening of Sunday, July 14, 2024, Israeli soldiers raided the village, gathered its residents, and informed them that they would set up checkpoints around the settlement. They planned to count the residents and prevent non-residents from entering, aiming to restrict communication with these residents and pressure them to leave.

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 Depicting the nature of life and settler attacks in Jorat al-Khail

It is noteworthy that the "Metsad" and "Asfar" settlements are located east of Jorat al-Khail, with "Metsad" approximately 700 meters away. These settlements were established on the lands of Sa'ir and Shiukh town residents, who have faced various forms of harassment and property damage by settlers and Israeli authorities, including:

  1. 2014: Israeli authorities issued demolition orders for all the farmers' residences there, claiming they were built without permits.
  2. 2015: Authorities confiscated 37 dunams of land from the village and designated it as "state land," prohibiting agricultural activities.
  3. 2016: Authorities executed demolition orders and destroyed farmers' homes.
  4. 2016:       Authorities also demolished 4 agricultural water wells in the region, causing damage to trees, crops, and livestock.

مشروع: حماية الحقوق البيئية الفلسطينية في مناطق "ج" SPERAC IV - FCDO

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this report are those of Land Research Center and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the project donor; the Norwegian Refugee Council.

إخلاء المسؤولية: الآراء ووجهات النظر الواردة في هذا التقرير هي آراء ووجهات نظر مركز أبحاث الأراضي ولا تعكس بالضرورة وجهات نظر أو مواقف الجهة المانحة للمشروع؛ المجلس النرويجي. للاجئين