
Demolition military order in Aqraba / Nablus Governorate

Violation: military order to demolish a residence.

Location: Aqraba town /Nablus governorate.

Date: April 3, 2018

Perpetrators: the Israeli occupation army.

Victims: Family of martyr Abdul-Rahman Bany Fadel.


On April 4, 2018, the Israeli occupation forces raided Aqraba village and served demolition military order to Family of martyr Abdul-Rahman Bany Fadal, the order said that the occupation will demolish the second floor of their house and the leading stairs.

Yousif Deireieh head of resisting colonization committee, and member of Aqraba municipality told LRC observer: members of the Israeli military forces besieged the targeted home,broke into it and gave the owner a term until April 5 , 8:00 in the morning to object on the demolition order. 

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 The demolition order &  the targeted residence

In March 19 the occupation had questioned the family and took measurements of their home. Noteworthy that martyr Abdul-Rahman Bany Fadel was shot in cold blood by the Israeli occupation army claiming that it is for security purposes.

The house consists of 2 floors, one of them is used as stores, and the second is divided to two apartments each one with an area of 125m2. The threatened residence is reported to be an apartment owned by the martyr's father.

The occupation authorities issue military orders with the title (demolishing the place or confiscate…) against families of Palestinians who the Israeli authorities claim that they resist the occupation, following the British mandate of Palestine law 119 of year 1945, knowing that this unjust law was cancelled before 1948. The demolition is a collective punishment against the family of the accused person, the whole family becomes homeless, and nearby structures are harmed.

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