
“Halt of construction” military order on a house and confiscation of properties in Tuqua / Bethlehem governorate

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Violation:  “Halt of construction” military order on a house and confiscation of 2 barracks in Tuqua.

Location: Khirbet Ad-Deer – Tuqua town / Bethlehem governorate.

Date: 30/01/2019.

Perpetrators: The Israeli occupation army and civil administration.

Victims: Families of Falha Suliman , Ismael Ash-Shaer, Musa Salim.


The Israeli occupation authorities raided Khirbet Ad-Deer in Tuqua and served a halt of construction military order to Citizen Falha Suliman on her house, as her husband testified.

Falha’s husband Ahmad Suliman told LRC reporter: “We built this house two years ago on a plot we own, the house consists of two floors , the first one is two stores for building materials , and the second is the family’s home”

Noteworthy, the occupation also confiscated two barracks by the house , one of them was used as a store for building materials, and the other was used as a car washer , under claims that they are unlicensed.

It is also important to mention, that the targeted structures are close to a main road, where settlers are always present harassing citizens and children on their way to school.

 The following table shows more information about the targeted structures:


Family members


Floors number

Area of the building m2

Nature of the building

Military order number

Falha Suliman







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 halt of work military order on a house

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 the targeted house

About Tuqua:[1]

Tuqua is an old Canaanite name which meant "placing of tents"; the crusaders called it "Thecua" as it was one of their strongholds in Bethlehem area.

Tuqua' has a great deal of Roman, Greek, and Mamluke ruins considering its strategic location.

One of the most significant ruins is the "baptism basin" which is a stony artifact that has been cut and formed. It represents a number of Christian sects.

It is believed that the artifact has been made around the 1750s; it is also believed that this is one part of a two-part artifact; the second part's location is unknown.

Tuqua' is surrounded by 5 Israeli colonies including Tquah, AlDavid, Nokdim, in addition to two other colonies to the south, Mizpe Shalim and Mushki Dar Got.

Tuqua' total area is 10 km2. Therefore it is considered the largest rural community in Palestine. The village is 12km to the west of Bethlehem governorate and is covered by evergreen trees, making it an attractions to many visitors and tourists.

It is inhabited by 8767 people by 2017 including all its four parts namely: Tuqu' , Khirbet Tuqu', Khirbet al-Dair, and al-Halqum .

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