
“Yitzhar” settlers sabotage trees in “Burin” / Nablus governorate

Image title: sabotaging olive trees.

Violation: sabotaging olive trees.

Location: Burin village / Nablus governorate.

Date: 11/03/2019.

Perpetrator: settlers from “Yitzhar” Israeli illegal settlement.

Victims: Farmer Castro Qaddus.


Monday , 11 March 2019 , settlers from “Yitzhar” attacked olive groves , and sabotaged number of olive trees at Al-Qa’ada location south west Burin.

Settlers used their hands in addition to sharp tools in destroying 33 olive trees (aging more than 30 years old).

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Affected farmer Castro Qaddus told LRC reporter:

“ I headed to my plot with my neighbors to my land in order to plough my land, after the occupation authorities gave us only 3 days to plough our lands 11,12,13 March, when I reached my plot, I found out that settlers sabotaged 33 olive trees.

This is not the first time that settlers target my land, 5 years ago settlers from the same settlement sabotaged 20 trees in my land, after they opened fire towards me and forced me to leave.”

About Burin:

About Burin:

10 km to the south of Nablus city, Burin is surrounded by Nablus city (north), Madama and Iraq Burin (west), Kafr Qalil and Orata (east), Huwwara (south).

Burin has a population of 2844 people in 2017 census.

It has an area of 10,416 dunums, of which 335 dunums are the village’s built-up area.

The occupation confiscated about 2177 dunums of Burin’s lands:

Israeli settlements devoured 1099 dunums for the construction of the following settlements:

Settlement name

Establishment year

Area in dunums

Number of settlers





Gib’at Ronen, Sne Ya’acov








The town as divided by Oslo conventions:

  • B area : (2,408) dunums.
  • C area (9,941) dunums.

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