
Ravaging a plot in Al-Makhrour/ Bethlehem governorate

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Violation : Ravaging a 4 dunums plot.

 Location : Al-Makhrour – Beit Jala/ Bethlehem governorate.

Date: 29/08/2019.

Perpetrators: colonists of “Gush Etzion”.

Victims: Iskandar Al-Qahat.


Colonists of “Gush Etzion” ravaged 4 dunums in Al-Makhrour , they also put a caravan on the plot and fence it in June 2019.

The occupation aims to take over the area of Al-Makhrour in order to achieve their project “The grater Jerusalem” through annexing Gosh Etzion settlements to each other.

Colonists work as a bee in order to impose realities on the ground. In addition to the caravan, a new tent was brought to the location while the land leveling continues.

Noteworthy, the targeted plot, is the highest among Al-Makhrour lands , it overviews the whole area of Al-Makhrour , and the colonist is not letting anyone approach the location.

The plot belongs to Al-Qahtat family from Beit Jala. However, the municipality is now preparing the necessary papers hoping to return the plot to its original owners . the targetd plot is planted with several crops, and taken care of constantly by its owners.

Beit Jala municipality head “Nadim Sam’an” told LRC reporter:

“We have been working legally to tear out the plot back from the colonist , his usage and presence in the plot is illegal. Al-Makhrour area is a nature escape for the people of Bethlehem , and we won’t give up on it.”

Settlers usage and presence in the plot is illegal , especially that it is a private property for a Palestinian owner , but the Israeli occupation land grabs are nonstop. International conventions and agreements consider Israeli colonies in the West Bank illegal , but that did not stop the continuous expansion of colonization.

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 The targeted plot and the caravan

Noteworthy, in June 2019 settlers installed a siege around the plot , Read LRC report (Arabic , English).

Al Makhrour:

Al Makhrour is a valley located to the west of Beit Jala; it has been targeted by the Israelis since the first days of occupation because of its strategic location. Al-Makhrour is edged by the bypass road (east), Al-Walaja (north), Hussan and Battir (west) and Al-Khader (south).

Its total area is around 3500 dunums planted mostly with prunes and olives.

The area contains springs and old trees, it is considered as a reserve for several rare species of birds such as Oriental Honey Buzzard, Palestine sunbird and Partridge. In Al-Makhrour mountains you can see the caves and the beautiful palaces built by the owners at the area. The area is covered with peach groves, from which the Beit Jala’s popular juice is made of. There is also an annual peach festival. Unfortunately, residents of the area are deprived by the Israeli Occupation authorities from their legitimate right to build and cultivate on their own lands.

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This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union The content of this document is the sole responsibility of LRC and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union