
Settlers of “Yitzhar” attack a school in ‘Einabus / Nablus governorate

Violation: Setting a classroom on fire and writing hatred inciting slogans on the walls of a school.

Location: ‘Einabus village – Nablus governorate.

Date: January 28th 2020.

Perpetrator: Settlers of “Yitzhar” illegal settlement.

Victims: Students of ‘Einabus High School for boys.


In the early morning hours of Tuesday, January 28th 2020, a group of settlers from “Yitzhar” illegal settlement sneaked into ‘Einabus village and set a classroom in ‘Einabus High School for boys on fire , and wrote hatred inciting slogans on the walls of the school.

‘Einabus village council head , Talib Harb told LRC :

“The fanatic settlers broke the windows of the classroom and set it on fire, when the school students got there in the morning they found out that their school had gone through an attack, and that the flames had eaten their chairs, tables and books . They also saw hatred inciting slogans all around the school that call for “Killing Arabs”.

The school manager reported the attack to the Palestinian Liaison office, who will take the mission of contacting the Israeli occupation authorities to file a complaint.

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Noteworthy, the slogans they left were signed by the “Price tag” groups who carry out attacks against Palestinians and their properties in Palestinian communities that surround illegal Israeli settlements, the attacks were reported several times but nothing was done from the Israeli side to stop them from occurring.

About ‘Einabus village:

8 km to the south of Nablus, ‘Einabus is bordered by ‘Urif village (north west), Jama’in (west), Huwwara ( east) , and Zita (south.

‘Einabus has a population of 2,891 people until 2017 census , and a total area of 4088 dunums, of which 482 dunums are a built up area.

The occupation confiscated about 114 dunums for the following:

  • Israeli settlements: Yitzhar settlement ate up 111 dunums.
  • Bypass roads: bypass 5076 devoured 2.5 dunums.

Oslo accords divided the village as the following:

  • B area: 3413 dunums of the towns lands.
  • C area : 675 (under Israeli full control).

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This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union

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