
Settlers slash the tires of 11 Palestinian cars in As-Sawiya / Nablus governorate

Israeli violations in the time of Corona

Violation: Slashing car tires.

Location: As-Sawiya village / Nablus governorate.

Date: June 8th 2020.

Perpetrators: Rehalim settlers.

Victims: Citizens from As-Sawiya village.


Monday June 8th 2020, a group of settlers from “Rehalim” settlement raided As-Sawiya north the village, slashed the tires of 11 cars and wrote hatred inciting slogans on walls of houses, as As-Sawiya village council head Murad Abu Ras told LRC.

Murad asserted: “The security cameras is several shops showed settlers belong to the “Price tag” group slashing car tires and writing racist slogans on a house belongs to Firas Shaheen”.

The targeted cars belong to:

  • Adham Fawaz Ahmad Khalil.
  • Akram Fawaz Ahmad Khalil.
  • Sami Omar Khaleel Salih.
  • ‘Adel Mohammed Fahim Khaleel.
  • Rafeeq ‘Atallah Yousif Khaleel.
  • Ahmad Mohammed Dhaher Salih.
  • Tayseer Mahmoud Ibrahim Khaleel.
  • Mohammed Mahmoud Ibraheem Khaleel.
  • Mohammed Omar Khaleel Salih.
  • Abdullah Ahmad Khaleel.
  • Majdi Ghassan Omar.

Murad also said that the village council contacted the Nablus governorate office and the Liaison Office , and after few hours two police cars and four military vehicles showed up at the location and took pictures of the damages.

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About As-Sawiya village:[1]

20 km south Nablus city , As-Sawiya is surrounded by Yatma and Yasouf (north) , Al-Lubban Ash-Sharqi (west) , Talfit and Qablan (east) and Al-Lubban Ash-Sharqi and “Eli” Israeli illegal settlement (south).

As-Sawiya has a population of (2761) people according to 2017 census.

As-Sawiya has a total area of 10,733 dunums , of which 310 dunums are a built up area for the village.

The Israeli occupation confiscate (2662) dunums of its lands for the following purposes:

  • Israeli settlement took over (2022) dunums for:

Settlement name

Establishment year

Area of controlled lands


Total area of the settlement











  • Bypass 60 devoured 640 dunums.
  • Oslo accords divided the town’s lands as the following:

B area: (1459) dunums.

C area : (9274) dunums.


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This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union

The contents of this document is the sole responsibility of LRC and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union