
Itamar settlers release their cows in ‘Awarta olive groves / Nablus governorate

Violation: Settlers graze their cows in Palestinian groves.

Location: ‘Awarta village / Nablus governorate.

Date: December 25th 2019.

Perpetrator: Settlers of “Itamar”.

Victims: number of farmers from the village.


Wednesday, December 25th 2019, Itamar settlers released 70 cows in number of olive groves in ‘Awarta, A big number of trees and branches were damaged, not mentioning the olive crops which have been badly affected as a result.

Village council head ‘Awad Abu Samih told LRC:

“Wednesday afternoon, tens of cows were seen grazing in olive groves in “Wad Uleem” , we called the Palestinian Liaison Office who contacted the Israeli Liaison Office , they came to the area and told settlers to unreleased their cows , they gathered them after leaving great damages.

This is not the first time Israeli illegal settlers release their cows in Palestinian groves and sabotage the crop.”

Village council estimations , say that the cows left 200 olive trees sabotaged.

The targeted groves belong to the following farmers:

Jameel Jabl Ash-Shaqra , Ana’am Mohammed Abed, Riyad Al-‘Abed, ‘Imad Fathi ‘Awad, Mustafa An-Nouri, Ghanim Sharab, Yousif Ahmad ‘Awad.

About ‘Awarta village:[1]
It is located 7km to the southeast of Nablus city and is considered the historical gate to the valleys and mountains of Nablus. The village is edged by Beit Furik from the north, Beita from the south, Huwwara from the west and Aqraba from the east. Awarta overlooks 12 Palestinian villages in addition to Nablus city; part of the village’s land is founded within the municipal borders of Nablus.

‘Awarta has a population of 7054 people until 2017 census.

‘Awarta has a total area of 13,448 dunums , among them 653 dunums are a built up area.

The occupation confiscated about (2697) dunums from its lands for the following purposes:

Israeli settlements took over (2409) dunums, as the following:

Settlement name

Establishment year

Area of lands

Number of settler 2018






Total area for Itamar 3,098 dunums

Bypass 555 took over 100 dunums.

Israeli settlements took over (188) dunums.

Oslo accords divided the town lands as the following:

B area : 4,822 dunums.

C area: 8,626 dunums.


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