
Where is my right to a Shelter?

Statement by Land Research Center in the World Habitat Day

Monday, 5th of October 2020 , Palestine witnesses the World Habitat Day , while Palestinians, especially Jerusalemites are day to day more deprived of their shelters due to the Israeli occupation's arbitrary demolition policies, the worst of them all, is self demolition orders that throw Jerusalemites to the unknown.

Year 2020 raised the stay home slogan, but the Israeli occupation in the first 9 months of the Corona year demolished 450 houses and facilities, and forced many Jerusalemites to demolish their own homes. Before the date of this statement, 80 self demolition cases were reported, bringing the total number of 165,690 demolished Palestinian houses, mercilessly leaving about 1 million Palestinians homeless - internal and external displacement.

The Israeli occupation's arbitrary demolition policies especially in Jerusalem compelled many Jerusalemites to build without license, or seek refuge in West Bank governorates , Jerusalemites now need 25,000 residential units to cover one of their most essential human needs - adequate shelters.

Isn't it about time to the world to finally fulfill their resolutions 35 years ago and stop the demolition flow that threatens lives and money, and separate families.

The Palestinian people while they call on the world to stop these crimes never forget Arab brothers who became homeless as a result of wars and foreigners greed , 3 million houses were demolished in the last ten years in Iraq , Syria, Libya , and Yemen, Leaving about 18 million homeless.

 We also remember the suffering of fellow humans in Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America where tens of millions have lost their homes and lack an adequate shelter.

Palestinian families who lost their homes call for all the families sleeping rough to their feet with only the sky as their blankets in this brutal world: to stand tall against injustice and tyranny, guilty who sleeps under a roof, without fighting for those left in the open.

Palestinian activities representing victims of demolitions

On their behalf : Land Research Center / Arab Studies Society

Monday – October 5th – Jerusalem – Palestine