
Land Research Center Lunches its five-year Strategic Plan “Land and Steadfastness”


Land Research Center – Arab Studies Society – Lunches its five-year strategic plan for years 2021-2025 at the Palestine Red Crescent society headquarter in Ramallah city on Wednesday October 30th 2020.

The lunching ceremony was attended by representatives of several ministries’, local committees, Civil Society organizations, donors, and international institutions.

Dr.Mohammed Al-Salimiya opened the ceremony and welcomed the guests.

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On Behalf of Ishaq Al-Budairi head of the Administrative Board, Mr Sameer Jebreel welcomed the attendants and gave the first speech:

“The difficult political circumstances affect all aspects of life in Palestine , they came along with the spread of a global pandemic “Corona virus” that destroyed both local and international economies, and during these rough times Israeli violations against Palestinian rights to land and housing are escalating to hinder the peace process in the middle east.”

Jebril asserted: “Despite these challenges and the declining funding , Palestinian institutions still struggling to defend Palestinian rights to access natural resources such as water and land,  and to an adequate housing, while on the other hand , their existence and services became more critical, as 30% of Palestinians now live below the poverty line (in West Bank and Gaza).”

Jebril Concluded that : LRC will always support Palestinians’ steadfastness on their land , and their right to access their lands through collective action and real partnership with other institutions , we at the center are proud of our relationships with local and international partners and will always respond to needs of the poor and marginalized people.

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We Effect Representative Nora Hamdan Thanked LRC and its partners for their efforts, and threw light on the We Effect Organization and its support to the LRC activities, including setting the new strategic plan “Land and Steadfastness”.

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Land Research Center General Director Jamal Talab Al-Amleh presented a presentation about the center: “The center was established in 1986 and went through four phases , starting from the establishment phase and ending with the organizing and institutionalizing phase at the end of 2019.

Al Amleh focused on the center’s basic values (national belonging , collective work , community participation, volunteering, aligning to disadvantage people and areas, equality, justice, integrity , courage, solidarity, democracy.”

Al-Amleh concluded that the center aspires to achieve its vision “A life of dignity for Palestinians on their land and in their democratic, independent, sovereign state” through the center’s four programs (Right to land and Housing, sustainable development, information, studies and research, sustainable development, and Palestinians’ rights in Jerusalem”.

Al-Amleh said that the center’s mission is to: (enable Palestinians’ access to and sustainable and fair use of their natural resources).

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Consultant Shawkat Sarsour who prepared the LRC Strategic Plan provided a series of organizational measures to efficiently achieve the best results , including communication and improving partnerships , this will contribute in achieving complementary work through presenting the Strategic plan to Partner institutions , donors , and governmental and civil society organizations in Arabic and English.

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In Conclusion, the attendants discussed national strategies and their role in strengthening the steadfastness of Palestinian people and commended the Center’s role.

Land research center is one of the outstanding institutions in supporting Palestinian farmers  and their steadfastness on their land as the most valuable thing, the center also defends the Palestinian rights to Land and Housing, and gives special support to women in vulnerable areas through supporting women leaded cooperatives.

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 This Activity is related to the Project

(Strengthened Capacities For Effective Land Management and Agricultural Practices Focusing On Women , Youth and Margenalized Communities)

Funded by: 

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