
The Occupation Confiscated a Garage at Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi/ Ramallah Governorate

  • Violation: Demolishing and Confiscating a grage.

Location: Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi/ Ramallah Governorate.

Date: June 2nd 2021.

Perpetrators: The building inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: Citizen Yousif Abu Salim.


Wednesday morning, The Israeli Occupation Forces and the building inspector at the Civil Administration raided Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi area north Ramallah, and dismantled a garage built of Zinc and metal angles with a total area of 16 m2. The targeted garage belongs to citizen Yousif Abu Salim on the pretext of building without a license.

Yousif Abu Salim told LRC:

“I built a garage for my car at the front yard of our family home, which is nearby the bypass road that leads to Beit Aryeh colony.

I have not received any preceding notices from the occupation, they dismantled and removed the structure then gave me a confiscation order. Noteworthy, the colony’s security requested to remove the garage for “Organizational” claims.”

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Scenes from  The confiscation operation

The Bypass road that divided the village into two parts had terrible consequences on Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi people, about 17 facilities and structures were notified during the past five years, in addition to continuous colonists’ assaults as they go through the bypass road towards their colony.

Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi village:[1]

30 km northwest Ramallah, Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi is surrounded by Deir Ballut (north) , Rantees and the greenline (west) , Aboud (east) and Bani Zaid (west) . Bayt Areh settlement is built on confiscated lands (east) , Aboud and Rantis (south) , it is also blocked by ‘Ofarim settlement (south).

Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi has a total population of (1566) people in 2017 census.

The village has a total area of 10,779 dunums , of which 280 dudums are a built up area for Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi.

The occupation confiscated (2369) dunums for the following:

Israeli settlements devoured about (1126) dunums as the following:


Establishment year

Area in dunums

Number of settlers for 2018

Beyt Areh








Bypasses 445 and 446 devoured 602 dunums.

The apartheid wall:

  • The existing apartheid walls 6,407 m , it ate up 641 dunums.
  • The under-construction segment of the apartheid wall is (4,801) m, it will eat up 480 dunums.
  • In case the construction was completed, the wall will isolate (2,914) dunums.

According to Oslo accords the village lands are divided as the following:

B area: 305 dunums.

C area: 10,474 dunums.


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This report was prepared as part of Secure Palestinian Land & Housing Rights project activities

The Contents of this document are the responsibility of LRC and do not reflect EU position