
The Occupation Ravaged Vast areas of Lands from Deir Abu Hajla/ east Jericho

Violation: Ravaging vast areas of lands.

Location: Deir Abu Hajla / east Jericho.

Date: May 6th 2021.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: Residents and farmers.


Thursday, May 6th 2021, the Israeli Occupation machineries carried on ravaging vast areas of postures in Deir Abu Hajla / east Jericho.

Reportedly, Israeli Machineries carried on leveling more than 45 dunums of postures, that were previously classified as “state properties” when the Israeli occupation opened bypass road number “90” nearby the targeted area.

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Ravages in Deir Abu Hajla

Human Rights Activist in Jericho and the Jordan Valley ‘Adel Abu Ne’ama told LRC:

“During the Past two years, there is a notable escalation of colonial activities, especially those related to infrastructural development for Israeli illegal colonies in the Jordan Valley. The new water project was announced previously, and it is being implemented right now in its early phases to provide water for colonies from Palestinian artesian wells, in addition to establishing a water network.”

According to GIS unit in Jericho governorate, 41 illegal colonies and outposts are built devouring more than 22,242 dunums of the governorate’s lands, while outposts are controlling 267 dunums. Military camps, bases and training areas are devouring thousands of dunums.

Noteworthy, the confiscated lands cover the area of the colony, but in fact the occupation announces thousands dunums of lands closed and inaccessible, on the pretext of protecting colonies’ security. About 6792 illegal colonists live in colonies at Jericho Governorate.