
Demolition of Residential and Agricultural facilities in Ibziq hamlet / Tubas Governorate

Violation: Demolition of residential and agricultural structures.

Location: Khirbet Ibziq/ Tubas Governorate.

Date: August 16th 2021.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: two families from the community.


Monday, August 16th 2021, The Israeli Occupation Authorities served military orders to two families living at the area, the notices were entitled, “An additional chance to object on a demolition order”, and were served a while after the occupation issued a demolition notice on the pretext of building without a license.

The Occupation authorities claim that in March 13th 2013, they issued a halt of work notice for the structures, but the owners did not have the necessary information on how to prepare a legal file and submit an objection.

The targeted families have been living at the community for more than 24 years, the occupation forces forced them to change locations several times within Khirbet Ibziq borders.

The following table shows more information about the targeted structures:


Affected Citizen

Family members




The targeted facility

Notice number


Mohammed ‘Amer Hroub





-residential tent 60m2

-residential tent 60m2

-barn tent 90 m2

-barn tent 78 m2

-Open barn 160 m2

-store tent 12 m2



Mohammed ‘Ali Hroub





-residential tent 60m2

-barn tent 90m2

-barn tent 45m2

-open barn 120 m2




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Noteworthy, early August 2021, the Israeli Occupation carried on Demolishing tents at the community, and taht was preceded by a forcible displacement of residents within the borders of the community in order to carry out military trainings.

Khirbet Ibziq is 8 km east of Tubas and is a targeted Bedouin gathering, just like the Khirbets of Samra, Ainon and Hamsa. Its inhabitants depend on sheep grazing and agriculture as sources of living and on wood and sackcloth for building their dwellings. They lack basic daily services like water and electricity. They can get water by carrying jars of water from Tubas to Ibziq; a journey of 8 km.

38 Bedouin families live in Ibziq; that is 256 people. 18 out of the 38 families live permanently in the area while others are nomads- according to the head of Ibziq community. Ibziq was named after Bazqin, a religious figure buried in the place.

The area of Ibziq is 8,000 dunums- 5,000 of which are considered Jordanian crown land Bedouins are not allowed to take advantage of because of Israeli continuous attacks, the latest of which were the eviction orders. The lands are considered closed military zone and lands for military practice

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