
Halt of Work and Construction Notices target Agricultural Facilities in N’ilin town / Ramallah Governorate

Violation: Halt of Work and Construction Notices for an agricultural facility.

Location: N’ilin town / Ramallah Governorate.

Date: October 12th 2021.

Perpetrators: The building inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: Families of Muneer ‘Arrabi, Ahmad Mustafa.


Tuesday, October 12th 2021, the building inspector at the Israeli Civil Administration protected by the occupation army raided the southern area of Ni’lin town, and served a halt of work notice for retaining wall, construction site , and a plot, on the pretext of working without a permission from the occupation.

Noteworthy, The Occupation continuously targets the southwest part of Ni’lin town, through imposing restrictions on construction and expansion.

According to the notices, the occupation sat October 20th 2021, as the date of the building and organization session in Beit El military court to decide the fate of the structures.

The Following table shows more information about the targeted facilities:

Affected Citizen

Family members



Area m2

Military Order no.


The targeted facility

Muneer ‘Arrabi







A plot that covered with quantities of earth mounds

Ahmed Mustafa







-Road – under preparation

-foundations for a cistern

-cement retaining walls

(5 dunums plot)






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Notice for citizen Ahmed ‘Awad

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The targeted facilities

One of the Victims Ahmed ‘Awad told LRC:

“During the last year, the occupation demolished 600 m of retaining walls and banks around the four dunums plot. Despite bringing the necessary ownership papers for the land, once I finished building the retaining walls, I received a halt of work notice. We conclude, that even when we are trying to live a normal life, we’re still prone to the Occupation’s violations.”

About Ni’lin:[1]

20 km to the northwest of Ramallah, Ni’lin is edged by the towns of Qibya and Budrus from the north, Al-Midyah town from the southwest, Deir Qidees town from the east and Mod’in and Kiryat Sefer colonies from the south.

Ni’lin is inhabited by 5897 people on a total land area of 15,206 dunums , of which 748 dunums are the village’s built-up area.

The occupation confiscated a total of 3020 dunums for colonial ends, which are detailed as follows:

  • Hashmona’im colony: it was established in 1985 on confiscated area of 858 dunums from the village. It is now inhabited by 2097 colonists.
  • Kiryat Sefer: it was established in 1991 on confiscated area of 476 dunums from the village. It is now inhabited by 24,290 colonists.
  • Mattityahu colony: it was established in 1980 on confiscated area of 657 dunums from the village. It is now inhabited by 1365 colonists.
  • Colonial bypass road number 446confiscated 408 dunums
  • The apartheid wallconfiscated 621 dunums for the favor of its construction and isolated 14,083 behind it.

According to Oslo Accords lands classifications, Ni’lin lands are classified as follows:

  • 1,123 dunums are classified as area “B”
  • 14,083 dunums are classified as area “C”


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