
"Talmudic" Parks in the Occupied City of Jerusalem Judization and History Forging

The Israeli Municipality in the Occupied City of Jerusalem alongside various Governmental bodies and colonial societies have launched a campaign to change the features of the City and forging its history by spreading the so-called Talmudic parks around the Old City walls as well as building roads and parking lots with Jewish names.

Years of excavations and diggings around, in, and beneath the Old City have changed the way it looked and threatens its foundations.

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Picture 1-2: one of the parks near Damascus Gate

Currently, another park is being built in between Herod's Gate and Lion's Gate; an 800-m2-plot was leveled for that purpose.

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Picture 3-4: construction near Herod's Gate

One of the workers said: "the Municipality is planning to built parks adjacent to the Old City walls, they plan to built tiled footpaths. Similar parks will be built all around the City walls and they will be planted with flowers and bushes".

The Municipality considers whatever they are doing as a way to "beautify" the city; however, these projects are only implemented by the Municipality. Other colonial societies splash millions of dollars to fund such projects.

In Silwan, the colonial societies are conducting excavations to change the shape of the Holy City as well as outrageous attempts to forge history.

The Umayyad palaces, which edge al Aqsa Mosque southern walls were considered by the Jews as the second temple! The Municipality put signs on the entrance indicating so!

Another outrageous plan is the plan to demolish more than eighty Palestinian residences in Al Bustan Neighborhood to build yet another "Talmudic" park on their ruins.