
Ravaging a plot in Deir Al-Gossoun town / Tulkarm governorate

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Violation: The occupation forces ravaged 2 dunums.

Location: Deir Al-Ghossoun town / North Tulkarm.

Date: January 10th 2022.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Occupation Forces.

Victims: Citizen Ja’far Ghanim.


In the early morning hours of Monday January 10th 2022, the Israeli Occupation forces bulldozers ravaged two dunums nearby the Annexation and Expansion Wall west Deir Al-Ghossoun north Tulkarm. Noteworthy, The targeted plot was used as a paid parking lot for Palestinians’ cars. 

The ravaged area belongs to citizen Ja’far Ghanim from the town, who supports a family of 6, among them 3 children and 3 females, he leases the plot as a parking lot to provide a source of income for his family.

The ravaging also reached a road that provides access to 7 dunums planted with vegetables, which affected a number of farmers.

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Noteworthy, the occupation practices intolerable policies against farmers and land owners nearby the Annexation and Expansion Wall , the occupation troops also throw sonic bombs on the lands  to prohibit young Palestinian from passing over the wall, which causes massive fires in the surrounding lands.

About Deir Al-Ghossoun:[1]

7 km to northeast Tulkarm city , Deir Al-Ghosoun is surrounded by ‘Attil (north) , Aj-Jaroushiya village (southwest) , ‘Alaa village (northeast) , and Bala’a village (south).

Deir Al-Ghosoun has a population of 10,629 people , until 2014 census, and has a total population of 13,394 dunums , of which 11,864 dunums a built up area.

The annexation and expansion wall devoured 286 dunums , and isolated 1081 dunums, and is 2859 long.

Oslo accords classify Deir Al-Ghossoun land as :

  • Area (A): 2281 dunums.
  • Area (B) : 5103 dunums.
  • Area (C ): 6010 dunums.


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