
New Outpost To be built on the northern Jordan Valley / Tubas governorate

Violation: building a new outpost.

Location: Al-Farisiya area / Tubas Governorate.

Date: March 19th 2022.

Perpetrators: colonists of  Giva’at Sal’it colony.

Victims/ affected: The Surrounding postures.


Tuesday, March 19th 2022 , a group of colonists established an outpost on the northern Jordan valley land, the outpost is named  “Humair” , and located on a hell that overviews a number of Bedouin and Rural communities.

The Outpost is also located only 200 m south “Giva’at Sal’it” , this allows access to vast areas of postures. And composes of three caravans , imposing illegal control over  three dunums of postures that belong to the Hashemite Kingdom Treasury.

Farmer Abdulhamid Daraghmeh from Al-Farisiya said:

“This new outpost will have a very negative effect on farmers and herders, represented in closing and prohibit access to postures, while colonists use them and occupy them freely.”

During the past three years, LRC field researcher reported the start of o new outposts at the Jordan valley, that also illegally and forcedly controls vast areas of postures and agricultural lands.

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Establishing a new outpost