
The Occupation Sets up Fake graves in a Silwan plot / Occupied Jerusalem

The Occupation municipality and colonialist oiwers in Jerusalem set up fake graves “a graveyard without bodies” ,a pretext to take over lands in Jerusalem , and especially Silwan.

Noteworthy, this is not a new policy, it happened before in the seventies of the last century the occupation government claimed to have Jewish cemeteries in Ras Al-‘Amud and Al-Sheyah , and in 2014 they claimed to have cemeteries in Wad Ar-Rababa and As-Saldoha of Silwan town lands, and today that claims are repeated in Wadi Al-hilwa and Wadi Rababa.

The issue is not about a cemetery or fake graves, it is about a large colonial project called “Jerusalem; the holy land”. In order to achieve this project , the occupation creates different pretexts to confiscate more Palestinian lands.

Judaization of Silwan:

Silwan is a main target in Israeli Judaization process , the occupation claims that this is the cradle of Judaism , and claim that this is David’s kingdom palace aging 2000 – 3000 years.

Silwan town is the closest location and defense spot for the Aqsa mosque , it is only 50 m away south Moghrabi gate , and one of the largest Jerusalemite communities , It populates more than 56 thousand people , and contains 12 neighborhoods , the area contains a lot of Islamic antiquities such as Umayyad palaces and ‘Ein Silwan historical compound , and the first Islamic Waqf registered outside the Arabian Peninsula during times of Khalifate Ottoman Bin ‘Affan and the ‘Ein mosque , which is built outside borders of the old city of Jerusalem , and there are million of other proves that Silwan is an Arab town.

Moreover, the occupation imposes oppressive laws and restriction on Jerusalemites of Silwan and expands colonization at the town , in addition to building David castle , as an attempt to confirm their religious presence , and impose more restriction on its people , this is not new , it is targeted by the government and colonial institutions since Israel Occupied Jerusalem , the only thing the occupation does is creating unjust pretexts to set up roots in the ground.

Why does the Occupation targets this particular land for a fake cemetery?

This particular plot in Wad Ar-Rababa south Mughrabi gate has a total area of 200 m2 , and surrounded by 9 other dunums that are currently empty (potential area for expansion) , and where Jerusalemites aren’t allowed to access, even if a Jerusalemite parked a car at the area , they will receive a ticket , so it is under 24/7 observation.

 Rights activist and researcher Mr.Fakhri Abu Diab told LRC:

“My mother’s house is located exactly next to the cemetery so she knows everything that happens at the plot, that we used to play at it as children , part of the plot is Waqf lands , and another part is rented from Waqf since 99 years , and used to be a place for water reservoirs, while the rest of the land belongs to the Palestinian families, but without papers.”

 Abu Diab asserts:

“15 years ago , they came to the site and tried to install grave stones , and  a few years later they came back later and installed a sign in the front of the plot saying that this is Samboski cemetery, after the name of a Jewish cemetery. And if we go back to aerial photos, two years ago, we will see that the plot was empty, but they added graves gradually, to claim that there was an ancient cemetery at the area so they conduct religious rituals , which happened previously in Shaikh Jarah area ” .

 Noteworthy , the occupation sets up fake graves as an attempt to circumvent the law, because a graveyard is a site that cannot be used or negotiates upon  on courts , and the plot becomes in the custody of the state.

Human Rights activist Fakhri Abu Diab also said:

“35 years ago, the occupation forces broke into the Islamic court and stole so many paper , so they know every piece of land belongs to who , since they took all of the ownership deeds.”

Legal Papers:

The Israeli government and colonial institutions targeting Silwan’s neighborhoods is part of a wave of land grabs in Jerusalem , and it is a violation of international law and conventions , including Humanitarian Law and international agreements, colonization of all Palestinian Lands is not only a war crime , but a reach of Geneva basic law.

This report was published as part of Project activities:

“Supporting Marginalized Communities in Jerusalem through Legal Aid and advocacy"

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this report are those of Land Research Center and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the project donor; the EU

إخلاء المسؤولية: الآراء ووجهات النظر الواردة في هذا التقرير هي آراء ووجهات نظر مركز أبحاث الأراضي ولا تعكس بالضرورة وجهات نظر أو مواقف الجهة المانحة للمشروع؛ الاتحاد الاوروبي

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