
Final Demolition Order Targets Retaining Walls for an Agricultural plot in Wad Al-Shajina / South Hebron

Violation: Final Demolition notice.

Date: March 16th 2023.

Location: Wad Ash-Shajina – Dura town / Hebron governorate.

Perpetrators: The Israeli Civil Administration.

Victims: Citizens Mustafa Al- Atrash and Ashraf Abu Munshar.


Thursday , March 16th 2023, the Israeli Occupation authorities issued a final demolition order for retaining wall in an agricultural project that belongs to citizens Mustafa Al-Atrash and Ashraf Abu Munshar on the pretext of building without a license in Wadi Ash-Shajna village , South Hebron.

The Israeli occupation civil administration – the inspection subcommittee issued military notice (624017) entitled “final halt of work and demolition notice” that ordered the owner to demolish what was built and returning the building to its previous status within 7 days, and threatened in case the owners did not carry out the demolition, the occupation forces will demolish the structure and make them pay all the costs.


Demolition orders no 624017 which targets the affected citizens’ lands

Citizens Al-Atrash and Abu Munshar own this 3 dunums plot , which they worked to rehabilitate, through opening a road , and building 150 m of retaining walls around it , they used cement and stones for building this wall.

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A view of the targeted plot

In march 7th 2022, The Occupation authorities issued a halt of work notice , on the pretext of building without a license , citizens also prepared a legal file , detailed plans, and land ownership deeds , combined it in a legal file and filed it to the occupation authorities . However, the occupation authorities refused the notice and issued a final demolition order.

Noteworthy , in 2017 , the occupation forces established a military tower for the soldiers at the entrance of Wadi Ash-Shajina , that is only 200 m away from the land of citizen Abu Munshar , and halted work on another agricultural project at the village.

The Occupation halts work on an agricultural project in Wadi Ash-Shajina south Hebron

The Occupation Forces Close off Wadi Ash-Shajina entrance

Ravaging and confiscating Lands in Wadi Ash-Shajina location in dura town