Colonists Release Their Cattle and Livestock into Farmers' Lands in Susya Village South of Hebron | LRC


Colonists Release Their Cattle and Livestock into Farmers' Lands in Susya Village South of Hebron

Violation: Grazing on crops and trees.

Date of Violation: August 5-7, 2024.

Location: Susya Village - Yatta Town / Hebron Governorate.

Perpetrator: Colonists from the "Susya" settlement.

Victim: Farmers from Susya Village

 Farmers in Susya Village, south of Yatta Town in Hebron Governorate, are suffering from repeated attacks by colonists on their crops and properties. Colonists have been releasing their sheep and cattle into their fields, causing damage to their trees and crops. These attacks have intensified recently.

During a three-day period – for example – three incidents were documented where colonists targeted the farmers' properties and crops from August 5 to 7, 2024.

To clarify, Susya Village, located south of Yatta Town, was one of the first villages targeted by the occupation for displacement attempts years ago. However, the resilience of its residents and the documentation of their land ownership thwarted this plan. Currently, the focus has shifted to the eastern Masafar villages (12 villages) that the occupation is now trying to displace.

After thwarting the displacement plan for Susya Village residents, it has been observed that colonists from the nearby "Susya" settlement have escalated their attacks to force residents off their land. These attacks have included physical assault, attempts to burn homes, chasing shepherds and farmers, and cutting down their trees, among others.

It is noteworthy that one colonist has established a livestock farm on the western edge of the "Susya" settlement with about 30 sheep. Another colonist has set up a barn and agricultural facility within the archaeological site of Susya, controlling about 15 head of cattle (female calves around one and a half years old), and lets them graze on the farmers' land.

August 5, 2024: According to the affected farmers, the colonist owning the livestock released his animals into a field of olives belonging to Ahmed Khalil Mohammed Al-Harini, damaging about 40 olive seedlings (four years old). The colonist was seen breaking olive branches by hand and hitting them with a stick, damaging 10 olive trees of the same age.

August 6, 2024: The colonist owning the cattle released them into a field of olives belonging to Khidr Jumaa Al-Nawajaa, which has about one dunam of olive trees (around 10 years old), surrounded by barbed wire. The cattle were released into this fenced area, damaging the trees and grazing on the dry grass between them.

August 7, 2024: The colonist owning the sheep released them into the land of Hamdan Mohammed Hamdan Ballal, where they grazed on 10 six-year-old grapevines and damaged plants and flowers in front of his home. The colonist also vandalized a nearby water well, cutting the water pipe and attempting to steal the pump.

 Attacks by colonists on the crops of East Yatta villages are not new, especially those involving livestock (sheep). However, the use of cattle for grazing is a new form of settlement expansion in the region. The colonists are adopting a new method of settlement through cattle, in addition to sheep, and daily violations and attacks on farmers and their properties by cattle are expected.

مشروع: حماية الحقوق البيئية الفلسطينية في مناطق "ج" SPERAC IV - GFFO

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this report are those of Land Research Center and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the project donor; the Norwegian Refugee Council.

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